From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Hurling & Camogie Awards at An Sportlann
By Tony Stakelum
8, Dec 2013 - 20:41
Castlebar Mitchels Juvenile Hurling and Camogie Club Presentation Night
The curtain came down on a very successful hurling and camogie year with our annual presentation night on Saturday last in the Sportlann. Tony Stakelum on behalf of the chairman Gerry Lane who was unavoidably absent extended a warm welcome to the large numbers of parents and players who were there on the night, and went on to thank all the coaches who gave of their time during the year, and to the players and their parents who also played their part in what was another successful year for the club.

U16 and U18 hurlers with their coaches.

U12 hurlers with their coach.

U8 hurlers with their coach.

Collette Tuohy giving Ray Coy advice on how to spin the wheel.

Collette Tuohy getting advice from Ray Coy on how to spin the wheel!

All our Camogie players and their coaches.

U10 hurlers with their coaches.
The various presentation took place for the different age groups with pride of place going to our Camogie team who during the year represented the club on the hallowed turf of Croke Park. Our U18 hurlers received their league medals and seven of that team, who also won all Ireland Minor Hurling medals with Mayo, were made a presentation by the club to acknowledge that achievement.
The final presentation of the night was to Cathal McHale who won the prestigious Pete Finnertry Trophy for the most improved hurler at U12 age group.
Lots of spot prizes were won on the night thanks to John Lyons for organising these.
Our thanks to Mary Murray for organising all the various photos that were shown on the night.
Our thanks to everybody who brought buns and cakes and to those who organised the teas - many thanks.
Our thanks to Tony Reilly for hosting the event in the Sportlann.
On behalf of the Castlebar Mitchels Hurling Club may we wish you a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
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