From Castlebar - County Mayo -
February 2014 at The Family Centre
6, Feb 2014 - 09:48
Building on Life's Experience
Everybody experiences challenges and difficulties in life. However, we can develop skills to help us face these adversities and indeed in many situations even turn them to advantage. An information evening on a proposed programme to develop these skills will be held in the Family Centre, Chapel St., Castlebar on Monday 10th February at 8 pm. All welcome. The presenter is Paddy Gannon. More details from the Family Centre on 094 90 25900 or on
Living in "Relative Harmony" with Teenagers
Many challenges will be faced by both teenagers and their parents and teachers during these years of dramatic changes in all areas of the teen's life. Geraldine Gilroy, who is a psychotherapist, parent and teacher, will share some ideas on how to provide a supportive environment to our teens and help them and ourselves to meet these challenges in as constructive a way as possible in a free workshop on Wednesday 12th February in the Mayo Education Centre (beside GMIT) starting at 7 pm. All parents and teachers welcome. Further information from the Family Centre on 094 9025900
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