From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Courses at the Family Centre
By The Family Centre
22, Oct 2014 - 22:11
Supporting Children bereaved through Illness.
People often struggle to support children when somebody they love is dying, or has died, as a result of illness. A presentation on how best to support these children will be given in the Mayo Education Centre (beside the GMIT), on Thursday November 6th starting at 7.30 p.m. The presenters are Loretta Sheridan and Therese Soden who are very experienced Senior Social Workers with the Palliative Care team in Mayo. For further information and booking telephone the Family Centre, Chapel St., Castlebar on 094 90 25900.
Halloween - A time of Reflection.
Halloween moves us towards November which is the month during which we especially remember those who have died. It is a time of transition towards the more dormant months of winter which is a necessary preparation for the time of regrowth in a few months' time. An evening of reflection on these themes will take place in the Sisters of Mercy Residence at Ard Bhride, Lawn Road, Castlebar on Thursday 30th October starting at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome. Presenters Maura Gallagher R.S.M and Maura Walsh R.S.M.. Further details and booking available through the Family Centre, Chapel St., Castlebar Tel. 094 90 25900.
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