From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Family Centre Courses Autumn 2012
By Cathal Kearney
25, Sep 2012 - 21:35
Reflecting on God's Compassion
An evening of renewal and reflection on God's compassion will be held in the Sister's of Mercy residence Árd Bríde, Lawn Road, Castlebar on Tuesday October 2nd at 7.30 pm. The presenter will be Fr. Colm Kilcoyne. All welcome.
Build up Your Confidence
Many of us are reluctant to stand up for ourselves when we need to. We may be fearful that other people won't like us as much if we are assertive or speak our minds. We may believe that our opinions are not as important as those of other people. If you would like to improve your confidence, communication and assertiveness skills in a safe supportive environment then you might be interested in attending a six week course in the Family Centre, Chapel St., Castlebar which takes place for two hours on Thursday mornings, 11 am - 1 pm, starting October 4th. Further information is available at the Family Centre Tel. 094 9025900 or on their website
The Wisdom of Dreams
Why is it that everybody has to dream? They appear to be a human necessity but have they any value for us? Have you had a recurring dream and try to figure out if it holds meaning for you? If you have these and similar questions you might be interested in attending a one day workshop on dreams to help you understand the wisdom of dreams and uncover the meaning of your own dreams. The one day course is running on Saturday October 6th from 10.30 am - 4.00 pm in the Family Centre, Chapel St. Castlebar and is presented by Kathleen Duffy who is a renowned expert on dreams. Further information from the Family Centre on 094 90 25900.
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