From Castlebar - County Mayo -

The Family Centre
Family Centre - October 2012
By Family Centre
17, Oct 2012 - 08:54

"Rainbows" Information night and course.
Rainbows is an international organisation that provides support to children between the ages of 7 to 18 who have been affected by a loss in their lives such as the separation of their parents or the death of somebody close to them. A new Rainbows programme for children is starting in the Family Centre, Chapel St., Castlebar on Wednesday 7th Nov. next and an information night for any parents thinking of enrolling their child will take place on 24th Oct at 8 pm. Further information from the Family Centre at 094 90 25900

Tackling Bullying in our Schools
"Free" evening workshops on tackling bullying in the school setting will be given by the renowned speaker on this topic, Monica Monahan, on the evening of 25th October. There are two separate workshops: one for teachers starting at 6 p.m and one for parents starting at 8 pm. The venue is the Mayo Education Centre, Westport Road, Castlebar. Further information from the Family Centre, Castlebar on 094 90 25900 or from the Education Centre on 094 90 20700.

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