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Community Groups
How Good Time Management and SMART Goals improves Performance
By Derek Reilly
25, Oct 2011 - 16:57

Joe Delaney, owner of Career & Life Planning, a professional business and life coach with over 18 years experience in marketing, recruiting and coaching will be the guest speaker at the JCI Mayo seminar which is being held on Thursday October 27th at 7.30pm, in the Harlequin Hotel, Castlebar. This is an open invitation, members of the public are welcome to attend.

With the pressures on business managers and owners every day impacting on our time, it is important to realize that not using time management skills effectively will impact personal and business performance.  As all of us continue to try and survive during these tough economic times, getting a better handle on how we mange ourselves, work and others will create better self-confidence.

"The one thing with time every month is that it is fixed - we only have 720 hours in November to fit all we want in there.  Without having a plan as to what we want to do across critical business functions, will end up in us drifting slowly into December and realising that yet another month has gone by where I didn't really manage my time effectively."

Time Management Strategies

"The seminar will cover strategies on utilizing some the world's leading Time Management tools including Stephen Covey's Time Management Matrix.  This will help people focus on prioritising tasks based on their level of urgency and importance. In addition, setting SMART goals for your business and personal performance will allow you to remain focused during each month" said Mr. Delaney

JCI Mayo is part of an international organisation aimed at attracting members aged 18-40 focusing on leadership, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.

The organisation has a strong focus on developing young leaders by involving them in the running of many worthwhile projects which add to and enhance community life in Mayo. 
This event will help you to understand the value of JCI membership for you and provide you with some insight into how you can become an active  member.  We hope to see you there.  Catch JCI Mayo on Facebook and LinkedIn


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