From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Play Your Part On Car-Free Day
By Noel Gibbons
15, Sep 2013 - 00:35
European Mobility Week is upon us again. It takes place from 16 - 22 September. Towns and cities across Europe will be promoting the use of public transport, cycling and walking. Smart Travel Castlebar is asking people to play their part in the week and sow the seeds of active travel in your workplace by promoting Car-Free Day on September 18th.
Just a couple of weeks before the clocks change, Car-Free Day is a great opportunity for workplaces to promote the benefits of walking, cycling or using public transport to get to work.
Thérèse Ruane, Chairperson of Smart Travel Castlebar said:
"I'm appealing to people, colleges, schools, and employers to support car free day and encourage people to leave their car at home and walk, cycle or use public transport on car-free day. Leaving your car behind is a healthier, cheaper option and it's hugely beneficial to arrive at work refreshed and ready to start the day. Car-Free Day also promotes vibrant towns for us all to live and work in."
The sustainable travel officer with Mayo County Council, Michael Lyons, is encouraging employers to promote car free day in the workplace this year in any way they can. Some easy things to do include: Display Car-free Day poster in the workplace; put up a notice on your intranet promoting the day; organise a coffee morning for those who travel to work car-free; go for a car-free lunch together ...
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