From Castlebar - County Mayo -

The Half-Dressed Biker
24, Jun 2008 - 14:45

Mayo County Council Road Safety Unit is trying a ‘new, hard hitting approach’ to combat the high numbers of young motorcyclists and scooter riders killed and injured on the county’s roads, to echo a nationwide campaign by the RSA to Bikers urged to choose safety over fashion.

Statistics released by the RSA  indicated that:

  • 70% of motorcyclists killed from 1997 to 2006 were male aged 17-34
  • You are most likely to be killed on a bike if you are male, aged 17-34, ride your bike during the evening, and at weekends during the summer.
  • Over half (57%) of motorcycle deaths occur between May and September.
  • Over the 10 year period 1997 to 2006, 471 motorcyclists were killed and 1,499 seriously injured on Irish roads.

While the ‘half dressed' biker is not a completely new idea, it was decided to increase the shock factor by showing 'real' injuries which could be sustained in a low speed accident.

Using TV make-up artists and computer re-touching techniques to create a contrasting image - on one side showing the injuries sustained by an unprotected biker and on the other an uninjured rider wearing fairly inexpensive motorcycle clothing.

The image will be used as part of a countywide campaign to highlight the importance of good motorcycle clothing and the value of motorcycle training.

Noel Gibbons road safety officer Mayo County Council said "This is about highlighting the hideous number of casualties on the roads among the motorcycle community and this initiative is about getting people to think what they can do to prevent such injuries and possibly death " .



Further information can be got on motorcycle training by contacting the road safety officer Mayo County Council at 0949047115.


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