From Castlebar - County Mayo -

Road Safety for Leaving Cert Students
By Noel Gibbons
13, Aug 2008 - 08:31

Leaving Cert students from Co. Mayo received their results on August 13th got something extra – a message urging them to drive safely.

A road safety message will be included with their results informing them of the dangers of drug driving.

The message that drinking and driving is illegal and will not be tolerated is well known and has been used for years - but it's vitally important for everyone to be aware that taking drugs and driving is also illegal and will not be tolerated. This is also a lethal combination - people who take drugs and drive run the risk of killing themselves and other innocent road users. By engaging with youngsters on this issue, and getting them to think of the dangers through this medium on one of their most important days of their lives - hopefully the message will stay with them for the rest of their lives.”

"Safety is at the heart of what we do and we want this campaign to send a strong message to young drivers in Co Mayo that losing your licence may not be the only penalty for driving under the influence of drugs. It could also take your life, or someone else’s too."

“We are also encouraging parents to stress the dangers of speed and drink driving to their teenage children, let this be a joyous occasion and not a memorable occasion for all the wrong reasons,” added Mr Gibbons

A 17 year old male is seven times more likely to be involved in a crash as a middle aged man.

A survey by Medical Bureau of Road Safety on a nationwide survey 2001-2002 revealed that there is a significant driving under the influence of drugs problem in Ireland.

How drugs can affect driving:
Cannabis: Concentration can wander, affecting reaction times and your ability to steer a car. Paranoia and effects likely to be heightened when mixed with alcohol, increasing sense of disorientation.

Cocaine: A stimulant drug that can lead to misjudging driving speed and stopping distance. Sense of light and sound affected; sense of overconfidence which can also lead to aggressive driving.

Ecstasy: Another stimulant drug, this time with hallucinogenic properties, which can distort vision and heighten sense of sound, concentration is affected and significantly decreases awareness of road dangers.

LSD: Hallucinogenic drug that can strongly influence the senses; drivers may react to objects and sounds that aren’t there, placing themselves and other road users in danger.

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