From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Outdoor Preschool Family Fun Day 2013
By Ken Wright
31, Jul 2013 - 08:28
Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo's First Outdoor Preschool.
Family Fun Day 20th of July 2013
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein
There has never been a more important time for parents and educators to make outdoor play a priority for the children in their lives. It is one of the best things that we can do for their health, education and well-being.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Kenny K. children’s entertainer delighted the children with some of his magic tricks. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Niamh having her face painted by Sylvia Spain. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Kenny K. children’s entertainer delighted the children with some of his magic tricks helped by his wife Barbara K. . Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Katie who had enjoyed some of the games & activities with her mum Laura. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.
We offer an exciting and unique opportunity for pre-school children to experience the freedom of the natural world first-hand. Our days are filled with activities and play led by the children's innate curiosity, with me in close proximity observing and enhancing their learning.
We have brought the classroom outside. We do everything outside that is normally done inside. Imagine a school without walls where the canvas is constantly changing, winter, spring, summer, autumn.
We have a full indoor preschool with a large outdoor garden where the children's imagination is their only limits.
Forest schools date back to America in 1927 the idea was introduced to Sweden Denmark and various other European countries in the the 90s the idea travelled to the uk where it is continuing to flourish
In Ireland the idea is still relatively new but one that is slowly gathering momentum throughout the country. I hope that as word spreads then so to will parents learn to help give their children the same experiences that they themselves had growing up but in a safe secure environment.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Jamie enjoying playing in the sand. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Lachlellan who enjoyed some of the games & activities. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Maya proudly displaying her transfers. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Brian who helped Kenny K. with some of his magic tricks. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Alannah enjoying playing in the sand. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.

Pictured at the Family Fun Day held on the 20th of July at the Outdoor Explorers Preschool - Mayo’s First Outdoor Preschool, Cathal (Spiderman) enjoying his ice cream. Photo © Ken Wright Photography 2013.
Benefits of outdoor play
A new study has found that almost half of preschool age children don't play outside each day. Furthermore, the children in the study were found to be stationary 80% of the time they are at preschool.
Why does this matter? Quite simply, outdoor play is good for children.
The benefits of outdoor play are well documented, and include:
- increasing physical activity
- increasing the body's vitamin D levels
- reducing anxiety and improving mood
- improving concentration and focus
- enhancing imaginative and creative play
- promoting problem solving and leadership skills
- growing the next generation of stewards for the earth
- developing stronger immune systems
Less time spent playing outdoors is linked to:
- obesity
- type II diabetes and high blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- anxiety disorders and depression
- attention deficit disorder
What happens in bad weather?
Do you remember the excitement you see on children's faces when there is a change in the weather pattern be it pulling open the curtains to a wide snowy expanse or the nervous excitement during a thunder storm There is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing. At outdoor explorers your children will be dressed in head to toe in ski suits designed for weather conditions even more extreme then ours. If the children get wet or dirty then there will always be at least two full change of clothes in the school. If children feel the need to be indoors we will facilitate them, as we have a full indoor facility.
Outdoor explorers is located 5 km out the the Rathbaun Road on the left. Or alternatively head out the Newport Road turn right for Snugboro school go past the school after 1 mile turn right 1 mile later we're on the left
The Preschool is HSE approved, Mayo County Childcare registered and is under the ecce (Early Childhood care and Education) scheme. Free Preschool places available, Contact Avril @ 0872361711.
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