From Castlebar - County Mayo -

Swing Dance Workshops for Adults
12, May 2014 - 09:10

Swing Dance Workshops for Adults
Swing Dance Workshops for Adults

Workshop - Six Mondays from 19th May, from 11.00am-12.30pm

Workshop series with Paul Neary

Six Mondays from 19th May, from 11.00am-12.30pm

Swing dance classes are a fun way to discover new dance steps and get fit. With a combination of partner dancing and ‘solo' dancing, in styles including jazz and charleston, this workshop series will teach you the basic swing dance steps in a relaxed and informal setting. You'll be out on the dance floor in no time. No partners are required, but willingness to give it a go is essential. This workshop series is presented to complement Fishamble, The New Play Company's production Swing, and the series includes attendance at the show on the night of Wednesday 25th June.

Paul Neary developed an obsession for swing dancing as a student of the internationally renowned Swing Patrol in Melbourne, Australia. After a successful stint competing and performing in Australia, Paul moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2002 where he co-founded ‘Swing Out Scotland', and from there, to Galway, Ireland, in 2003 where his dance club ‘Galway Swing' was born. Paul brings vast amounts of experience in teaching, competing and performing and has enjoyed sharing his love of swing with thousands of dancers over the past decade.

Swing Dance Workshops for Adults takes place over six Monday mornings commencing 19th May, from 11.00am-12.30pm (continuing May 26th; June 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th (skipping the June Bank Holiday) and Wednesday 25th June @ 8.00pm for Fishamble, The New Play Company's production Swing. Cost per head (or pair of feet!) for the workshop series and theatre performance is €65. Places are limited and booking is ESSENTIAL. Booking and further information from the Linenhall.


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