From Castlebar - County Mayo -
Parish Newsletter - 4 October 2015
8, Oct 2015 - 10:56
Sunday Mass times: Parish Church 7.00p.m. (Sat.), 8.30a.m., 10.30a.m., 12p.m. Ballyheane Church: 8.00p.m. (Sat.) Breaffy Church: 10a.m., 11.30a.m.
Monday 5th October:
10.00 - Don & Mai Murphy, Newtown.
7.30 - Special Intention.
Tuesday 6th October:
8.00 - David Rice, Dublin.
10.00 - Private Intention.
Wednesday 7th October: 8.00 - Private Intention.
10.00 - Thomas & Mary Foy, Thomas St & dec Foy family.
Rosie McDonagh, Knockthomas.
Thursday 8th October: 8.00 - Private Intention.
10.00 - May & Dr. Moran and parents, The Marsh. Sr. Cecilia Heslin.
Friday 9th October:
8.00 - Catherine, John & Brian McLoughlin & dec family Graffymore.
10.00 - Michael & Kathleen Togher, Binghamstown, Belmullet & dec Togher family.
Saturday 10th October:
10.00 - Adrian Hegarty, 30 Rowan Drive. Bernie Egan.
7.00 - Joe Davitt, Kennedy Gardens. (1st Anv.)
Sunday 11th October:
10.30 - Patsy Gibbons, Lakeshore Drive. (M.M.)
Sat. 10th October: 8.00p.m. - Evelyn Flanagan, Hollyhill.
Annie Mary Kelly, Westland. (M.M.)
ALTAR SOCIETY 10th October
Teresa Quigley Marie Rance
Brid McAndrew
Sun 11th October - 2nd Sun
Mon - Mary Bourke
Tues - Bríd Concannon
Wed - Mary Foy
Thurs - Bernie Johnson
Fri - Úna Ní Ghabhláin
Sat - Jo Kearney
Bernie McDonald, Greenfields.
Ben Corley, Clogher, Breaffy.
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Church
7.00 - St. Joseph's Girls
8.30 - Teresa Carney
10.30 - Mary Lally
12.00 - Laura Canning
Breaffy Church
10.00 - Mary McHale
11.30 - Fiona Jennings
Fr. John Murray
Tel. 9021844
Altar Servers - Parish Church 5th Class
Starting Mon 5th Oct
7.30pm Mon - E
8am Tues & Wed
8am Thurs & Fri - F
10am Sat
6th Class
Sun 11th Oct
8.30am - B
10.30am - A
12.00pm - C
Table Quiz in An Sportlann on Wed Oct 7th at 8pm. In aid of Western Care Assoc local services in the Castlebar area.
Breaffy Ladies Football Club meeting on Mon 5th Oct in Clubhouse at 9pm. One parent of each player and all players U-16 upwards are urged to attend.
Invitation to Tuam Diocesan Celebration of Marriage Anniversaries
Couples celebrating significant Marriage anniversaries are invited to this special celebration with family and friends on Sun. 11th Oct at 3pm in Tuam Cathedral. After Mass refreshments will be served in St. Jarlath's College.
To book tel 9021844.
Monthly Orthodox Liturgy in the Parish Church on Sun 11th October at 2.30pm.
Eddie Stones, Emmanuel House, Clonfert, will be at the Church of the Holy Rosary on Mon Oct 12th at 7pm. Ceremony to include Rosary, Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Mass and Healing service.
National Learning Network Castlebar Free Fresh Start training for people who would like the opportunity to start a new career or re-engage after a period out of the workforce. Eligibility criteria will apply. For info tel Patrisha Greaney at 9022770.
Mayo Carers Association are having a Pop Up Shop in Lough Lannagh Village on 16th and 17th Oct from 10-5pm. Volunteers needed to help with some of their fundraising events. Tel Bernadette on 9060305
Castlebar Parish Website
The Castlebar Parish Website will be launched this weekend. contains the live webcam and information on all parish activities including the sacraments, weekly newsletters, Mass times, daily readings, reflections and parish groups.
Family Centre Programmes
Tel 9025900
Assertiveness and Communications Course: Tues 6th Oct at 10.30am for 2 hours each week over 6 weeks. Presenter: Jannah Walsh
One day dreams workshop: Sat 10th Oct at 10am. Presenter: Kathleen Duffy.
Castlebar Parish Magazine 2015
If you have any articles or photographs for inclusion in this year's edition of the Parish Magazine, tel. Joe Redmond at 087 2708653 or email:
Davitt College Career Options Event Sat 17th Oct from 12pm to 4pm. All 4th, 5th and 6th Year Post Primary Students and Parents are invited to attend. Adm. is free.
Snugboro school is looking for old school photos. Please email them to
The 125th anniversary social is taking place in The Welcome Inn Hotel on Friday Oct 23rd at 8pm. Tickets available at Snugboro school, tel 9023079.
Mayo Cancer Support Association is holding a Men's Support Group Meeting at Rock Rose House on Tues 6th Oct at 7pm.
Mayo Volunteer Centre and GMIT Chaplain's Office are holding a Volunteer Expo in GMIT (St Mary's Hall, Castlebar Campus) on Tues 6th Oct, from 10am-2pm. Contact 087 6796937 for more info.
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