CASTLEBAR PARISH - SUNDAY NEWSLETTER Sunday Mass times: Parish Church 7.00p.m. (Sat.), 8.30a.m., 10.30a.m., 12p.m. Ballyheane Church: 8.00p.m. (Sat.) Breaffy Church: 10a.m., 11.30a.m.
PARISH CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Monday 8th February: 10.00 - Kitty Griffith, dec Griffith & Merrick families. Margaret & Peter Walsh, Killadeer. Mai & Pat Murray, Michael O'Gorman & Teresa Boyle. 7.30 - Mrs Rosaleen Verling, Westport. Jenny Liverpool, England. (1st Anv.) Michael Carney, Chapel Street. Tuesday 9th February: 8.00 - Michael Heverin, Lisnaponra. Thomas & Joe Conway, Springfield & dec Conway family. 10.00 - Bridget & Thomas Walsh, Hollyhill, dec Walsh & Connolly families. Wednesday 10th February: Ash Wednesday 7.30 - John & Annie McAlpine, Lightford. 10.00 - Linda Jensen, 16 McHale Road & dec family. Thursday 11th February: 7.30 - Mary Moran, Manor Village. 10.00 - Mai & Jim Hernan, Chapel Street & son in law Vinny Geelan. Friday 12th February: 7.30 - Private Intention. 10.00 - Nora Collinson, Lower Charles Street. Thomas & Bridget Bourke, Clooncundra & dec Bourke family. Saturday 13th February: 10.00 - Mgt & Patrick McHale & dec family, Snugboro. Lillian McNicholas, Knights Pk. William & Bridget Moran, Pheasant Hill, sons James & Michael, Patrick Gibbons & Katie Fahey, Cloonkeen. Hefferon family, Mollyroe. Nan Monaghan, St. Bridget's Crescent & dec Denning family. 7.00 - Phyllis Jones, Westport Road. (M.M.) Sunday 14th February: 10.30am - Bridie Moran, Thornbrook & Rush Street. (M.M.) BALLYHEANE CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Wed 10th Feb: 8.00pm - Patrick & Mary Mannion & dec family, Ringeraun.
ALTAR SOCIETY 13th February Teresa Quigley Marie Rance Bríd McAndrew
REST IN PEACE: Muriel McGovern, Westport, sister of Doreen Rowan, Springfield. Nicole McCaffrey-Nyland, Curradrish. Bridie Tuffy, Belcarra, sister of Tom Tuffy, Lightford.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD 1st Sunday of Lent Parish Church 7.00 - Padraig Glynn 8.30 - Teresa Carney 10.30 - Michael Kennelly 12.00 - Eileen Gavin Breaffy Church 10.00 - Francis Mitchell 11.30 - Caroline Sweeney DAILY READERS Mon - Angela Gormley Tues - Sr. Teresa Kilcourse Wed - Joan Hanley Thurs - Eileen Lynch Fri - Anna O'Boyle Sat - Mary Finnegan
PRIEST ON CALL Fr. John Murray Tel. 9021844
Altar Servers - Parish Church 5th Class Starting Mon 8th Feb 7.30pm Mon - E 8am Tues & 7.30am Wed 7.30am Thurs & Fri - F 10am Sat 6th Class Sun 14th Feb 8.30am - B 10.30am - A 12.00pm - C
************************************************* ASH WEDNESDAY - 10th February Ashes will be blessed and distributed at all Masses on Ash Wednesday: Parish Church: 7.30am, 10am, 7.30pm Breaffy Church: 7.30pm Ballyheane Church: 8.00pm **************************************************** Tridentine Latin Mass in the Old Rite at Our Lady's Shrine, Knock on Sun 14th Feb at 5.30pm. ***************************************************** Holy Land Pilgrimage Fr. Benny McHale has organised a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from the 7th to 17th June. As occupancy fills up quickly it is advisable to contact him as soon as possible at 091 844227. ************************************************** Castlebar Trialogue Meeting Trialogue is an open forum for discussion on mental health issues. Next meeting on Tues 9th Feb at 7pm in room P105, GMIT. ***************************************************** Knitting Group meeting 7.30pm-9.30pm every Thurs at Le Cheile Family Resource Centre, Tucker St, recommencing from Thurs 18th Feb. All are welcome. **************************************************** Family Carers Ireland are looking for stall holders in the areas of Fashion/Health and accessories for a fundraising event on 26th Feb in the Harlequin Plaza from 7.30pm to 10pm. For info tel 9060305. ************************************************* Children's Liturgy Children's Liturgy continues each Sunday at the 10.30am Mass in the Parish Church. Children are invited to the Sacristy, where the Liturgy Leaders read a simplified version of the day's Gospel, followed by an activity to reflect the Gospel message. All children are welcome. ************************************************* Jubilee Year of Mercy - Mass and Eucharistic Adoration in the Parish Church on Mon 15th Feb. Mass at 7.30pm, Adoration from 8pm-9pm. Music by Melinda Dumitrescu, violinist from Medjugorje. *************************************************** The Family Centre Programmes Tel 9025900 How to keep your children safe on the internet Presented by Caroline Lane, Tues 9th Feb in Mayo Education Centre at 7pm Supporting school going children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Wed 10th Feb at 7pm in Mayo Education Centre. Enneagram Part 1 Wed 17th Feb at 8pm. *************************************************** St. Peter's NS Snugboro - School Enrolment on Tues 9th Feb and Wed 10th Feb from 2.30pm to 4pm. Birth Certificate and PPS number required. Enquiries tel 9023079. *************************************************** ‘Little Shop of Horrors' St Gerald's College, in association with St Joseph's Sec School presents 'Little Shop of Horrors' in the TF Royal Theatre, Feb 9th-11th at 8pm. Tickets €10 (adult) €5 (child). *************************************************** GIY meeting on Mon 8th Feb at 7.30pm. in Le Cheile, Tucker Street. *************************************************** Castlebar Celtic Youths Football Club Youths registration will take place on Mon 8th Feb, 7pm - 9pm in Celtic Clubhouse.