CASTLEBAR PARISH - SUNDAY NEWSLETTER Sunday Mass times: Parish Church 7.00p.m. (Sat.), 8.30a.m., 10.30a.m., 12p.m. Ballyheane Church: 8.00p.m. (Sat.) Breaffy Church: 10a.m., 11.30a.m.
PARISH CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Monday 22nd July: 10.00 - John Killeen, Westport Road. Dr Sean Tobin, Newport Rd. Denis Walsh & dec Walsh & King families. 7.30 - Fr John Drury. Patrick & Mary McLoughlin, Aughadrina. Tuesday 23rd July: 8.00 - 10.00 - Eugene O'Shea, Rathbawn Drive. Wednesday 24th July: 8.00 - 10.00 - Annie May & Frank Roache, McHale Rd & dec Geraghty & Roache families. Thursday 25th July: 8.00 - 10.00 - Anna Maria Ahearne, New Line. Ellen & James Walsh, Clooncundra & dec. Walsh family. Friday 26th July: 8.00 - 10.00 - Patrick & Margaret Conneely Snugboro, Hubert Hardiman & dec Conneely, Murray & McTigue families. Saturday 27th July: 10.00 - Hilda Coyne, Snugboro 7.00- Patrick (Pakie) Tolan, Belvedere Court. (M.M.) Sunday 28th July: 10.30 - Jim Bohan, St Pats Avenue (MM). BALLYHEANE CHURCH MASS INTENTIONS Sat. 27th July: 8.00p.m. - Margaret & Danny Kennelly & dec family, Cloonsionna.
ALTAR SOCIETY: 27th July Angela Coogan Peggy Lee Mary Basquille
MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST: Sun. 28th July - 4th Sun.
REST IN PEACE: Bridie Muldowney, Castle Hill Park. Maureen Gibbons, London, sister-in-law of Paddy Gibbons, Bailenagcloch.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Church 7.00 - Michael Kennelly 8.30 - Bernard Gallagher 10.30 - Tony Monaghan 12.00 - Yvonne McAlpine
Breaffy Church 10.00 - Gerry Bourke 11.30 - John Gibbons
DAILY READERS Mon. - Maureen Tobin Tues. - Maureen Carroll Wed. - Chris Millett Thurs. - Matthew O'Hora Fri. - Mary Higgins Sat. - Sr Mary Teresa
PRIEST ON CALL Fr. Sean Cunningham tel. 9021844
Doctor on call this weekend (Emergencies only) Dr. Breege O'Malley tel. (094)9035952
Altar Servers - Parish Church 5th Class Starting Mon 22nd July 7.30pm Mon - J 8am Tues & Wed - K 8am Thurs & Fri - A 10am Sat - B 6th Class Sun 28th July 8.30am - E 10.30am - F 12pm - G
Mass in the Old Cemetery on Friday 2nd August at 7.30p.m. *************************************************** Tax Relief (CHY2 forms) Many thanks to all who have returned their completed CHY2 forms. If you are a PAYE contributor and would like the parish to reclaim the tax on your contribution to the Church, please fill in the CHY2 form and return it to the Presbytery. Forms are available at the back of the Church. *************************************************** ACCORD Counselling Centre The Accord Counselling Centre offers a safe, professional and confidential process, facilitating couples and individuals to explore, and resolve difficulties in their marriage & relationships. Please Contact 094 9022214 for further information. ************************************************** Baptisms Baptisms are held in the Parish Church every month on the first Sunday at 2pm and the third Saturday at 4pm Parents are requested to register their booking for baptism at the Presbytery tel. 9021844. Members of the baptism team will be in contact with parents prior to the baptism.
Welcome This weekend we celebrate the arrival among us of Fr. Sean Cunningham. We extend a hearty welcome and wish him years of happiness and service in our parish. Fr. Sean a native of Mountbellew, has served in St. Jarlath's College and Tuam Cathedral since his ordination in 1999. ‘Céad mile fáilte romhat'. *************************************************** Clare Island Walking Committee Sponsored Walk on Clare Island 15km Sun 11th Aug. All proceeds to Western Alzheimers. For information/sponsorship cards contact: Tom Cusack 087 774 2965 Geraldine Lydon 086 310 9637 Pat Conneely 087 293 1960 Willie Murphy 087 237 6713 Bernie Kavanagh 087 906 4252. *************************************************** Tochar Phádraig Pilgrim Walk Tochar Phádraig Pilgrim Walk from Ballintubber Abbey to Croagh Patrick takes place on Reek Sunday 28th July departing the Abbey at 8.30am. A backup car will accompany all the walkers to the end at Murrisk. For info tel 9030934. *************************************************** Mayo Cancer Support Association. A Support Group meeting for people living with or surviving cancer will take place at Rock Rose House, Castlebar on Thurs 25th July at 7pm. More information from 094 9038407" *************************************************** Breaffy GAA Club players reunion (1953-2013) at Breaffy clubhouse on 23rd Aug preceded by mass for deceased members at 7.30pm. *************************************************** Enable Ireland Volunteer Programme Castlebar Information day at Library on Wed 24th July 10am - 1pm. For information contact Fiona Madigan 0872163971/094 9060234.