From Castlebar - County Mayo -

St. Patricks BNS
WOW/COW at St Patricks BNS
By Nicola Cresham
27, Apr 2010 - 22:28

Friday April 23rd saw the launch of the WOW/COW days at St Patricks BNS. In preparation for the travel green flag staff, students and parents are walking or cycling to school each Wednesday. This project has involved an enormous amount of work from the Green Schools committee. The committee undertook a walkability audit of the town and also conducted a survey of the students addresses which is on display on a map in the school, to help organise walking and cycling arrangements.

The Green Schools Committee also organised a slogan competition within the school. Congratulations to Cian Plaster who came up with the winning slogan "Cycle or stride, be active with pride". We hope that the WOW/COW days will be an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for students, staff and parents. They also stress the importance of safety on our roads with teachers placing special emphasis on bright clothing for visibilty purposes and helmets for all cyclists, as well as the revision of the Safe Cross Code.





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