Mayo Youth Information Online In-School Career Guidance Services FÁS Guidance Services Local Employment Service Main Page About This Website Previous Screen Top of page

In-School Career
Guidance Services

FÁS Guidance

Local Employment

Guidance Service
FÁS provides a range of services to help people find work.

These services are available to all individuals including the unemployed, persons wishing to return to work after a break, persons who have completed school or college and job-changers.

FÁS Employment Services Officers will provide you
with career advice and guidance including information on job and training opportunities as well as temporary employment options.

The Services to Jobseekers section provides
information on FÁS services to jobseekers including Placement Services, Training Courses, Apprenticeship and
Community Employment programmes.

Those considering working overseas can obtain
information on all EEA (European Economic Area) countries as well as names and contacts within Ireland, in the Working Abroad (EURES) section.

The most important step to availing of FÁS services is to register at your local FÁS Office.

 Castlebar FÁS Office
 Humbert Mall
 Main Street
 Co. Mayo
P h.: 094 22011