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Job Hunting

Job Application

Typical CV
form Layout

Interview Skills

Job Hunting
There are a number of sources of information on job vacancies including;

There are a number of sites on the Internet that are dedicated to advertising jobs and recruitment.  One such site is which contains details on a variety of different careers.
Radio Stations
Everyday on local and national stations alike there are jobs advertised.  The local stations such as Mid & North West Radio, and Galway Bay fm are usually the most suitable if you are looking for a job in the surrounding area.
The jobs advertised on 2 FM for example are often spread country wide, with a number of the jobs being based in the Dublin area.

If your television has a facility
to display Teletext, then this is another source of information on job vacancies.  The jobs are usually spread all over Ireland and cover all kinds of vacancies from hairdressing to

FÁS office
You must register with your local FÁS office
to avail of the services available to jobseekers through FÁS.  Information in relation to local job and training opportunities as well as temporary employment options is available here.

Both local and national newspapers
are an excellent source of information on job vacancies.
The main papers in the Mayo area include, Mayo
News, Western People and Connaught Telegraph.

Again, like the local and national radio stations, the jobs advertised in the local papers do tend to be based within the local area, while the national papers advertisements are from
counties all over Ireland.  Two of the best include The Irish Times (on a Friday) and The Irish Independent (on a Thursday and a Sunday).