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Job Hunting

Job Application

Typical CV
form Layout

Interview Skills

Job Hunting
Surname and Christian Name; address; DOB

School, college or university attended,
examinations taken,
indicating subjects and results; any special
scholastic achievements.

Previous Employment:

  • list any full-time and part-time jobs you may
  • have had including holiday jobs;
  • the title of the post held;
  • the period worked and also any skills or qualifications gained   in these jobs.
This information should be brief and listed 1,2, etc.

Hobbies and Interests:
Hobbies and any particular achievements or
offices held.

General health record.

Two character references e.g. School Principal,
or previous employer(s), are generally expected.

Often, on the application form there is a space
to give 'additional information'. This should also be completed if there is still useful information not already given under the stated headings.

It is advisable to keep a copy of the application
form and Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) for reference purposes.

The Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
Everything above applies where an employer asks
for a letter of application, but the detailed information should be on a separate sheet (white, unlined, A-4 size paper) headed 'Curriculum Vitae' and should be prepared along the same
lines as the application form and enclosed with the letter of application.

Your CV should be dated and signed.  Unlike the
application form you have the opportunity to design your own
C.V. - which is really an advertisement of yourself.

The Letter
The letter itself should be short and should not
cover the same ground as the C.V.  It should sum up in a
few lines what you have to offer and simply introduce the enclosed C.V.  It should be addressed to the person named in the advertisement.  The style of the letter should be formal.

Preparing for the Interview
After the letter-writing and form-filling, comes the interview.  When called for interview a short note of thanks, preferably on a postcard, should be sent confirming the time and date mentioned. This will show that you are a courteous and business-like person, and will help the prospective employer in arranging the interview schedule

Help with making a C.V. is available from:

Westport and Castlebar Jobs Club
Co. Mayo
Telephone: (098) 26787

 Local Employment Service
 Church Lane
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 092 42169

 Local Employment Service
 Moutain View
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 094 26468

 Local Employment Service
 Claremorris Social Services Centre
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 094 62757

 Local Employment Service
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 098 28583