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Job Hunting

Job Application

Typical CV
form Layout

Interview Skills

Job Hunting
The key to being successful in the interview is preparation.

Preparation Pointers

  1. Find out about the company – Maybe it’s under new management, changed it’s image, been in the news for some reason.
  2. What does the job entail? – Ask for a list of duties/job description prior to the interview.
  3. What are your good points that match the job needs? e.g. like dealing with people, good at handling money, team player etc.
  4. Copy your C.V. and study it prior to the interview – Don’t go into the interview and be surprised at the contents of your own C.V.
  5. Typical Questions – There are always a few typical questions you can rely on, rehearse your answers but don’t learn them off by heart.
  6. Remember, you are allowed to ask questions too! – 'Are there opportunities for further training?', or 'When can you expect to hear from them?'
Questions about wages, hours, benefits, etc., are better left until there is a definite offer of a job.

In the Interview

  • Be honest, brief and to the point
  • Be positive about yourself and your experiences. Negative comments reflect on you.
  • Mention your good points but not in an exaggerated way
  • Pay attention to the non-verbal communication in the interview – avoid slouching, keep eye-contact, dress appropriately and remember to smile!
  • Avoid telling jokes and being over-familiar with the interviewer/s
  • If you find you are only giving Yes/No answers use linking phrases that allow you to give more information and make a better impression.
  • Thank the interviewer for having spent his/her time with you.
Remember, if you have been invited to attend an interview, there is no reason why your shouldn’t get the job!

The following organisation will help you with interview preparation.

Westport and Castlebar Jobs Club
Co. Mayo
Telephone: (098) 26787

 Local Employment Service
 Church Lane
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 092 42169

 Local Employment Service
 Moutain View
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 094 26468

 Local Employment Service
 Claremorris Social Services  Centre
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 094 62757

 Local Employment Service
 Co. Mayo
 Ph.: 098 28583