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Nursing in Ireland

Nursing in the UK

Officer Cadet

An Garda Síochána

Careers without College
Nursing and Midwifery Programmes
The English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery & Health Visiting (ENB) is the statutory body for nurse, midwife and health visitor education in England.
Students are indexed with the ENB when they begin their education programme and upon successful completion apply for admission to the Professional Register which is maintained by the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery & Health Visiting (UKCC).

A Career in Nursing or Midwifery?
There are two routes to obtaining a nursing or a midwifery qualification, either via a diploma or a degree pathway. Applications for diploma programmes are processed by the Nursing and Midwifery Admissions Service (NMAS) and applications for degree programmes are processed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

The NHS Careers Service provides information,
advice and guidance for anyone who is interested in a career
in nursing or midwifery. Information about the types of pre-registration programme available, the entry criteria, approved educational institutions, bursaries and grants can be obtained by contacting:-

NHS Careers
tel: 00-44-845 6060655 (24 hours)

Entry requirements
Age of entry
You must be at least 16 years old when you apply for diploma programmes and at least 17 and a half years of age on the day you start either a diploma or degree programme. There is no upper age limit.

You will be required to have satisfactory health clearance before you are offered a place on a programme.
Any health related problem that you think may affect your ability to undertake a nursing or midwifery education programme, should be highlighted and discussed with the educational inistute before you apply.

Educational qualifications for entry to nursing and midwifery programmes are determined by the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) and are set out in its Registrar's Letter 13/1999 (9 April 1999).

Higher education institutions are required to ensure that the minimum entry requirements are met by all entrants to approved educational programmes. The UKCC will provide guidance in cases where there is no clear consensus as to whether the qualifications meet the required standard.

If you are unsure whether your qualifications meet the statutory minimum requirements for entry NHS Careers, PO Box 376, Bristol, BS99 3EY will assess them for you. In your letter you should:

  • specify the programme(s) which interest you
  • include photocopies of your educational certificate(s)
  • give details of the marking system unless it is given on the certificate
The NMAS Applicant's Handbook gives full details of entry requirements for each institution and can be obtained by telephoning 00-44-1242 223707.

The Application Process
There is a fixed application period each year which normally commences in September and closes in December for diploma programmes beginning, primarily, in the Autumn and Spring of the following years

The NMAS Applicant's Handbook gives full details
of entry requirements for each institution and
can be obtained by telephoning 00-44-1242 223707.

The diploma application package is available free
of charge from:
NMAS, Rosehill,
New Barn Lane,
GL52 3LZ
Tel: 00-44-1242 223707 (for application package details),
00-44-1242 544949 (general enquiries)

For information about applying
for degree programmes please contact:
Fulton House,
Jessop Avenue,
GL50 3SH

The diploma application package is available free
of charge from:
NMAS, Rosehill,
New Barn Lane,
GL52 3LZ
Tel:   00-44-1242 223707 (for application package details),
00-44-1242 544949 (general enquiries)

For information about applying for degree
programmes please contact:
Fulton House,
Jessop Avenue,
GL50 3SH