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Health & Safety



European Legislation

Working Age Children

Working Age Youth

The Equality Authority

Employment Legislation
Full-Time Employees

The legal minimum holidays for employees is 20
working days.

  • Employees generally qualify for leave in two ways: 120 hours have been worked in a calendar month or 1400 hours have been worked during a leave year
  • When the leave is taken by the employee is decided upon by the employer
  • Holiday pay must, by law, be paid in advance.
Part-Time Employees
Regular part-time employees, i.e. those working at least 8 hours per week and with more than 13 weeks service are entitled to 8 hours paid holidays for every 100 hours.

There are nine public holidays in an Irish  year. These are;

  1. New Years Day
  2. St. Patrick's Day
  3. Easter Monday
  4. May Bank Holiday
  5. June Bank Holiday
  6. August Bank Holiday
  7. October Bank Holiday
  8. Christmas Day
  9. St. Stephen's Day


Rights Commissioners Tom Johnson House
Haddington Road
Dublin 4
Telephone: (01) 6609662
Lo-Call: 1890 220 227
Fax: (01) 6685069

Employment Rights Information Unit
Telephone: (01) 631 31 31
Fax: (01) 631 32 67

Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Davitt House
65A Adelaide Road
Dublin 2
Telephone: (01) 631 21 21
Telex: 93435
Fax: (01) 676 9047
Lo-Call: 1890 220 222