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Health & Safety



European Legislation

Working Age Children

Working Age Youth

The Equality Authority

Employment Legislation
Working Time Act
  • This new legislation covers:
  • Minimum periods of daily rest
  • Breaks
  • Maximum weekly working time
  • Night Work
Daily Rest:
Every worker is entitled to a minimum
daily rest period of 11 consecutive hours per 24 hour

Weekly Rest:
Every worker will be entitled to a minimum of 24 hours uninterrupted rest per 7 day period.
This may be averaged over a reference period of 14 days.
This 24 hour period is added to the 11 hour daily rest
period giving a total rest period of 35 hours.

Rest Breaks:
 An employee must get a break of at least 15 minutes for every 4.5 hours of consecutive work.  When an employee works more than 6 hours he/she will be entitled to a 30 minute break. This does not include the 15 minute break.

Maximum Weekly Working Time:
Weekly working time for each 7 day period including overtime must not exceed 48 hours.
The average of 48 hours per 7 day period may be averaged over a reference period of up to 4 months.

Night Work:
Normal hours of work for night workers may not exceed an average of 8 hours in any 24 hour period.

  1. Where the work involves hazardous or dangerous work, nightworkers may not work more than 8 hours in any 24 hour period which they perform nightwork.
  2. Nightworkers are entitled to a free health assessment before being assigned to night work and at regular intervals thereafter.
  3. Nightworkers suffering from health problems connected with the fact that they work at night may be transferred to day work where possible.