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The Equality Authority

The Equality Authority

The Equality Authority is an independent body, set up under the Employment Equality Act 1998. It was established on the 18th October 1999.

The Equality Authority replaced the Employment Equality Agency, and has a greatly expanded role and functions

It has an in-house legal service and provides a free confidential information and advisory service to employers, service providers, individuals, trade unions and the legal profession.

The Authority can help individual complainants in a number of ways:

a) Explaining the current legal position on an issue
b) Advising on the facts as presented
c) Communication with the employer on behalf of the complainant
d) Preparing written submissions for the Director of Equality Investigations and for the Labour Court
e) Representing and/or providing a free legal representation for the complainant during the investigation
f) Contributing to the preparing of codes of practice covering the integrated equality agenda

The Authority also plays important roles in the development of national policy as well as promoting legislation through education and media strategies


The Equality Authority
Clonmel Street
Dublin 2

Lo Call: 1890 245545
Telephone: 01 4173333
Facsimile: 01 4173366