Mayo Youth Information Online General Available for Work Genuinely Seeking Work Main Page About This Website Previous Screen Top of page


Available for

Seeking Work

Available for Work

  This means that:

  • you are looking for full-time work that is suitable to you
  • you are willing and able to accept a suitable offer of work immediately
   You will be required to attend for interview
  from time to time to show that you still satisfy
  this condition.  At the interview, you will be asked
  about the kind of work you are looking for,
  • your skills, qualifications and abilities
  • your employment and unemployment history
  • the availability of job vacancies suitable to you
   You will also be asked whether there are any
  restrictions on the type, place and hours of work
  that you are looking for.  For instance, of you
  have domestic commitments, you will be asked
  about arrangements if you go to work.

  Further Information From:
  Social Welfare Regional Office,
  Augustine House,
  Merchants Road,
  Tel: 091-566191
or your local Social Welfare Office (please press print to see you local welfare office)