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Available for

Seeking Work

Genuinely Seeking Work

  This means that you must make genuine efforts
  to obtain work that is suitable to you.
  At the interview, you will be questioned about
  the efforts you have been making to satisfy
  this condition.You will need to bring with you
  copies of any written applications for jobs,
  replies from employers, details of non-written
  job applications (e.g. dates and names of the
  people you spoke to etc.)
  You will also be asked about the specific
  efforts you have made to obtain employment, in

  • How do you find out about job vacancies?
  • What type of work have you applied for?
  • What employers have you contacted about a job?
  • When was the last time you applied for a job?
  • Have you registered with FÁS to go on a scheme or training course?