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Suicide Prevention

Depression and Suicide
Suicide has become a leading cause of death among young people.

Suicide rates have increased dramatically in recent years.

Some of the risk factors are;

  • Having suicidal thoughts and plans
  • A recent major loss
  • Failure to live up to one's own or others' expectations
  • Increased isolation
  • Inability to experience pleasure or have fun
  • Alcohol / drug use
  • Poor school attendance, poor school performance
  • Change in personality
  • Previous suicide attempt
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Off-hand comments about not being around or about
  • Death
  • Being impulsive
  • Seeing death as the only way to end suffering
  • Recent sexual assault
What should one do?
  • If a person has made a suicide attempt they MUST be taken to a hospital
  • If a person has serious suicidal thoughts they MUST be seen at a hospital
  • If a person experiences a few risk factors its important that they get to see a professional to assess risk
  • You can talk to The Samaritans @ 1850 60 90 90