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Sexual Health

Test your knowledge of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (S.T.I.s), HIV/AIDS services

What are S.T.I.s?
STI's are infections or diseases which can be passed on from one person to another during sexual intercourse. They are caused by bacteria, viruses and other microscopic organisms which are present in the blood, semen, body fluids or the pubic area of the infected person.

Most STI's, (with the exception of AIDS) once diagnosed, can be cured with treatment. It is important to get treatment as early as possible as STI's can cause serious and permanent damage. Conditions such as chronic pelvic infection, infertility, ectopic pregnancy and infections in new born babies can arise as a result of untreated STI infection.

Who Can Get Infected?
Anyone who is sexually active and not in a 'one faithful partner' relationship, can become infected with an STI. Some infections lie dormant in the body for months without any visible signs. There is no natural immunity to STI's.

Myths About Infection
STI's are not transmitted by sharing cutlery and crockery, in swimming pools, or by non-sexual social contact with infected people, so there is no need to ostracise or shun people who may be infected.

Did you know
There has been a large increase in S.T.I.s in Ireland in the past few years, especially in the 20 to 30 year old age group. The increase has been almost fourfold in the past ten years.

The increase is due to people having unprotencted sexual intercourse (without condoms), having different partners and taking risks.

  • Genital Warts and Chlamydia Infections are the most common STI's. Others include gonorrhoea, herpes, pubic lice, syphilis and thrush.
  • S.T.I. infections may, in some cases, have long term consequences.
  • Condoms, used properly, reduce the risk of acquiring an S.T.I.
  • The contraceptive pill prevents pregnancy but does not protect against S.T.I.s or H.I.V.
  • H.I.V.infections may affect anyone who puts themselves at risk.
For more information on STIs, HIV or AIDS  you can contact;

Health Promotion Department
Community Care,
Newcastle Road,
(091) 523 122

Health Promotion Department
Community Care Offices,
(094) 22 333

AIDS Help West
Oznam House
At. Augustine St.
(091) 566 266

If you have a concern around sexually transmitted infections you will be welcome at any of the following services;

University College Hospital
(091) 525 200

STI Clinic
Mayo General Hospital
(094) 21733