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Equal Status Act
The Equal Status Act 2000 represents one of the most significant pieces of legislation in recent Irish history. The Act moves the concept of the prohibition of discrimination beyond the workforce and into the public arena where people buy goods and services.

The Equal Status Act became operational on 25th October 2000. It promotes equality, prohibits certain kinds of discrimination and prohibits sexual harassment and harassment on nine discriminatory grounds.

This covers people who;
  • Buy goods
  • Use services
  • Obtain accommodation
  • Attend educational establishments
The following are the nine grounds which cover discrimination;
  • Gender
  • Marital Status (single, married, separated, divorced, widowed)
  • Family Status
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race
  • Membership of the Travelling Community
There are 3 types of discrimination:

1. Direct Discrimination.

This is where a person is treated less favourably specifically on one of the nine discriminatory grounds.

2. Indirect Discrimination.
This is more subtle and harder to prove and happens where there is less favourable treatment in effect.

3. Discrimination by Association.
This is where a person associated with another person (belonging to a specified groups) is treated less favourably because of that association.

For more information on the Act and what it means to you contact the following:

Equality Authority
Clonmel St,
Dublin 2.
Phone: (01) 4173333
Lo-call: 1890 245545