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Local Information

Medical Card

Allowance Scheme

Child & Family Care

Looking for Work

Social Welfare System
Maternity / Adoptive / Health And Safety Benefits

Relevant to a person who needs to take time off work due to pregnancy or the birth or adoption of a child.

Full details of these benefits are available in the Guide to Social Welfare Services and in leaflets:

Maternity Benefit SW11
Adoptive Benefit SW37
Health and Safety Benefits SW 21

Child Benefit:
Child Benefit is a monthly payment made for each child under age 16. Payment can continue up to a child's 19th birthday, if s/he is in full-time education or is physically or mentally handicapped. There are no PRSI conditions and you do not have to satisfy a means test.

Full details of this benefit are available in the Guide to Social Welfare Services and in leaflet SW42

Back To School Clothing And Footwear Allowance
If you are getting a Social Welfare or Health Board payment, or are at work on low pay, you may be entitled to an allowance towards the cost of school clothing and footwear. The scheme is administered by the regional Health Boards and operates from June to September each year.
Full details of this allowance is available in the Guide to Social Welfare Services and in leaflet SW75

One-Parent Family Payment:
One-Parent Payment is a payment for both men and women who, for a variety of reasons, are bringing up a child/children without the support of a partner.
Full details of this allowance is available in the Guide to Social Welfare Services and in leaflet SW82

Carer's Allowance:
The Carer's Allowance is a social assistance payment to carers on low income who live with and look after certain people who need full time care and attention.
Full details of this allowance are available in the Guide to Social Welfare Services and in leaflet SW 41

Further information from:
I.R.D. Centre
Cathedral Road
Co. Mayo
Tel: (096) 72902
Money Adviser - Ms. Dolores O’Boyle
Administration - Ms. Lorraine Sheeran

Castlebar MABS
Humbert Mall
Tel: 28888

Galway MABS - North
Social Services Centre
Dublin Road
Co. Galway
Tel: (093) 24421
Fax (093) 26050
Money Adviser - Ms. Helen McKenna
Administration - Ms. Nellie Sweeney

Further Information From:

Social Welfare Regional Office,
Augustine House,
Merchants Road,
Tel: 091-5661191

Mayo Jobs Faciliator,
Government Buildings,
Co. Mayo.
Tel: 096-70449

Local Social Welfare Information Centres:
Social Welfare Office,
Tel: 096-21377

Social Welfare Office
16 New Antrim Street,
Tel: 094-23285

Social Welfare Office,
America Street,
Tel: 097-81029

Social Welfare Office,
Achill Sound,
Tel: 098-45101

Social Welfare Office,
Prospect Avenue,
Tel: (098) 25333

Other Social Welfare Offices:

Social Welfare Office,
Tel: (092) 41289

Social Welfare Office,
Ballyhaunis Road
Tel: 094-711745

Social Welfare Office,
Dublin Road,
Tel: (094) 51208

Social Welfare Office,
Upper Main Street,
Tel: 0907-30181

Detailed information about all of the Social Welfare Services available can be found in the Guide to Social Welfare Services. There is also a comprehensive list of the information leaflets, which are available, free from the Department.