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Homelessness in


Homelessness in Ireland

What is Poverty?
People are living in poverty if their income and resources are so inadequate as to prevent them from enjoying a standard of living, which would be regarded as acceptable by society generally.

Living in poverty is not just about lack of money, it can also mean feeling excluded, isolated, powerless or discriminated against.

Some facts about poverty in Ireland

  • According to a report "Poverty in the 1990's" - the number of people experiencing poverty since 1987 has risen.  However, the depth of their poverty has been reduced.
  • Households headed by an unemployed person were the largest group in poverty; they also faced the greatest risk of poverty.  Households headed by someone working full-time in the home made up the next largest group in poverty.
  • The risk of poverty had increased since 1987, for single adult households, the elderly and households headed by women.
  • Children face a higher risk of poverty than adults do - the risk of poverty for children was almost 30% compared to 18% for adults.