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Certificate in

Certificate in
Farming Programme


The Certificate in farming

is the main training programme for young people who seek a career in farming. It is a three-year programme combining:
  • Classroom and practical instruction
  • Placement on a host farm
  • Work experience, including projects, on the home  farm.
There are five Certificate in Farming programme options:
  • General Agriculture
  • Horse Production
  • Pig Production
  • Poultry Production
  • Commercial Horticulture.
All school leavers going into farming should undertake one of these courses.

Qualification: Certificate in Farming
Duration:  3 years

Course Structure:
The most comprehensive route to follow is the one year (Certificate in Agriculture) course in an agricultural college, followed by two years specialising in one of the five programme options.

For those who are unable to attend an agricultural college, it is possible in some options to undertake the training on a part-time basis by attending your nearest Teagasc District Training Centre, for about two days per week during the September-January periods, over three consecutive years.

All trainees spend 12 weeks on a host farm to develop personal skills and broaden experience.

Entry Requirements:
There is no minimum qualification for entry to the course.
Applicants must be at least 17 years of age on October 1st,
in the year of entry.
Application Procedures:
For full details contact your local Teagasc Education Officer

Course Title:
General Agriculture
Course Locations: Agricultural Colleges or District Training Centers.
Application Procedures:
For full details contact your local Teagasc Education Officer

Course Title:
Horse ProductionCourse Locations: Kildalton College,
Piltown, Co. Kilkenny.
Application Procedures:
For full details contact:  The Principal,
Kildalton College, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny

Course Title: 
Pig Production
Course Locations: Mellows College, Athenry, Co. Galway.
Application Procedures:
For full details contact:  The Principal,
Mellows College, Athenry ,Co. Galway

Course Title:
Poultry Production Course
Locations: Mellows College, Athenry, Co. Galway.
Application Procedures:
For full details contact:  The Principal,
Mellows College, Athenry, Co. Galway

Further information
on all training courses from the local Education Officers

Education Officer
Abbey Road
Co. Mayo
Tel: 092-41125

Mr. Seamus Mulchrone
Bunree Road
Co. Mayo
Tel: 096-22077