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Placement Services



Training Allowances


Adult Trainees Effective 24 May 1999

Age Group Full Time Part Time
15/16 £30.00
17 Years £37.50
18 Years £73.50 £42.30

(Part time = 20 hours per week)

Trainee Travel Allowances
(Full and Part-Time Courses) Effective: 27 May 1998

0 - 3 miles    3 - 5 miles     5 - 10 miles     10 - 20 miles
  N/A            £3.60             £9.30                £13.80

20 - 30 miles    30 - 40 miles      40 - 50 miles
  £17.00            £21.80                £25.60


  1. If a Trainee's Social Welfare entitlement exceeds the above, a training allowance equivalent to this entitlement will be paid on receipt of certified evidence to this effect.
  2. Evidence of Social Welfare entitlement must be in the form of a duly completed "Trainee Allowance Entitlement" form.
A Training Bonus of £25 per week is payable to the following categories of people who were on, or commenced, a FAS training course on or
after 19th April 1999:
  • Persons in receipt of Unemployment Benefit or Unemployment Assistance for 12 months or more ;
  • Persons who progress to FAS training having completed a minimum of 12 months on a Community Employment Scheme; or
  • Persons who progress to FAS training having completed a minimum of 12 months on the Job Initiative Programme.
  • Persons who have completed a minimum period of 12 months in a combination of the above categories (i.e. in receipt of Unemployment Benefit/Assistance, on Community Employment or Job Initiative) prior to progressing to a FAS training course are eligible for the bonus.