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General Information

Course Details


Entry Qualifications & Fees
There are no formal entry qualifications to NTDI courses. Applicants must be over 16 years of age, be eligible for funding under the European Social Fund and be approved by the National Rehabilitation Board (NRB).

No fees apply to any NTDI courses. Additionally, students receive a training allowance and retain their statutory benefits. e.g. Free Travel

Course content and Certification.
NTDI courses apply the skills of the students to the practical tasks of the job and the demands of the job market.

All courses

  • are tailor made to the individual skills, knowledge and   interests of the student;
  • are practical and job orientated;
  • refect the latest knowledge and technology of the career in   question, and offer where possible specific  on the job training
  • have recognised exteranl certification from bodies such as   the Department of Education, Cert and City & Guilds.
Courses are divided into three levels:

Level 1
programmes are introductory in nature, designed to acquaint the student with all the options open to them and help them come to a choice that is right for them. Courses emphasise vocational research, goal definition and personal development with the oppotunity to sample skills in a variety of training options.

Level 2 and level2/3
programmes offer specific training at semi-skilled and basic training professional skill level, qualifying stuudents for a wide range of employer recognised certificates in preparation for work in their chosen field.

Level 3
Training programmes prepare students to higher crafts or professional levels, closely resembling training given at Regional Technical Colleges or colleges of further education.

NTDI trainnig programmes qualify graduates for successful entrance to the job market. The courses are designed to prepare people for the world of work. Close cooperation with industry ensures training relevence and assists students in the search of employment following course completion. Over 17000 students have been placed in employment todate.

Course Name Level Certification
Bakery/confectionary Level 2 CERT
Catering/Hospitailty Level 2 CERT
Vocational Multi-skills Level 2 City Guilds
Employer Based Training Level 2

Further Information From:
NTDI Marketing Department
Roslyn Park
Beach Road
Dublin 4
Tel: (01) 205 7200
Fax: (01) 205 7211

Breaffy Road
County Mayo
Tel: 094 22770