Mayo Youth Information Online An Board Iascaigh Mhara - (B.I.M.) Coillte - The Irish Forestry Board Main Page About This Website Previous Screen Top of page

An Board Iascaigh
Mhara - (B.I.M.)

Coillte - The Irish
Forestry Board

Training in Other State Agencies
BIM is the State Agency for the development of the sea fishing industry.

The principle development functions are incorporated into four mainline operating divisions as follows:

  1. Fleet Development,
  2. Aquaculture and Planning,
  3. Market Development,
  4. Marine Services.
Marine Services provides a comprehensive manpower development service, which incorporates education and training courses in the fishing industry.

The following courses are available to unemployed people:

  • Fishing Deckhand
  • Engineer Officer (Fishing Vessel) Class 3
  • Fish Farming Operator
  • Laboratory Practice
More detailed information can be obtained on all courses by contacting:
An Board Iascaigh Mhara
P.O. Box 12
Crofton Road
Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Ph.: 01-2841544