Mayo Youth Information Online An Board Iascaigh Mhara - (B.I.M.) Coillte - The Irish Forestry Board Main Page About This Website Previous Screen Top of page

An Board Iascaigh
Mhara - (B.I.M.)

Coillte - The Irish
Forestry Board

Training in Other State Agencies
Coillte was established under the Forestry Act, 1988, to manage state forests and related activities commercially.

Coillte operates in other areas, which compliment its core business, including the provision of comprehensive forestry, landscape and arboricultural services, training, research, engineering, forest nurseries, Christmas tree farms and development of leisure facilities.


Target Group:
The course is directed towards people wishing to pursue a career in Forestry at operational level, people in the industry who wish to upgrade their skills, and people wishing to change career within the Forestry Sector.

Entry Requirements
Applicants should be between 18 and 40 years of age.

Allowances are paid in respect of loss of earnings and towards travel and accommodation.

Courses within the Forest Industry Training Programme include:

Course Duration
Forwarder Operator course 6 weeks
Harvester Operator course 6 weeks
Cable Extraction course 3 weeks
Skidder Course course 1 week
Skidder Course 1 week
Chainsaw Course 7 weeks
Pesticides application 7 weeks
Silvicultural Training 3 days
Crop Establishment 1 week
Timber Mensuration 3 days
Crop Establishment 1 week
Advanced Maintenance 3 weeks

NOTE: All courses are stand-alone courses.