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Before You Go

Booking Youth

Internet Guide
to Hostels

Travelling and Working Abroad
If you are intending to travel abroad here are a
few preparation pointers that should help you on
your way:
  • Have accommodation arranged for the first couple of nights - This helps to get you settled when you arrive and enables you to plan for the next part of the trip.
  • If possible arrange to have a bank card that will allow you to use ATM's abroad or buy travellers cheques, you don't want to being too much cash with you, easily stolen/lost though not so easily replaced.
  • Travelguide books are well worth buying - full of information on budget accommodation, cheap places to eat and how to get off the beaten tourist tracks. Some have useful phrases in the language of the country.
  • 'Globeplotter', published by Usit is also full of information on travelling to and within countries all over the world.