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Before you Go


Travelling and Working Abroad
The Summer holidays have nearly arrived and
you still haven't secured a Summer job.  Have you thought about the option of working abroad?

To help get the process underway, ask yourself
the following key questions before heading off
into the unknown:

  • Can you work in the country legally?
  • Can you speak the language?
  • Are there good seasonal employment opportunities?
  • Will wages adequately cover living costs and accommodation?
  • Is temporary accommodation easy to come by?
Preparation Pointers
  1. Buy a flexible return ticket so that if difficulties arise, you can quickly make arrangements to return home.
  2. Apply for either an E111 for partial medical cover within the EU or Usit's travel policy, which offers a fully comprehensive insurance for both medical expenses and lost or stolen belongings.
  3. Visas, work authorisation documents
  4. Bring proof of identity e.g. passport or ISIC card
  5. Take sufficient funds, enough for your first 2 to 3 weeks.  It may be a while before you receive your first pay package
  6. Make sure you have somewhere definite to stay for at least the first week
  7. Photocopies of your C.V., references, education and training certificates for prospective employers.
  8. Talk to friends/students who have already worked abroad.
  9. Consider taking a language refresher course
  10. Bring contact names and addresses where possible.
Starting the search for work
  • Check foreign newspapers available in Ireland.
  • Foreign companies often advertise in the Sunday Independent.
  • Use personal contacts in your chosen destination.
  • Check the EURES notice board in your local FÁS office for work within Europe.
  • Contact the Emigration Advice Service for job vacancies that might appear in the 'Overseas Jobs Express Newspaper'.
  • Check, where possible, listings of web site addresses for specific occupations.
  • Once abroad, register with local employment agencies and job centres.
Organising Accommodation
  1. Make sure you make every effort to organise accommodation before you leave
  2. Check with whatever contacts you have in the country you are travelling to and see if they could put you up initially
  3. Book a hostel in advance if there is no-one to put you up
  4. Once abroad, check local newspapers and notice in shops for adverts for more long-term accommodation
  5. Remember, you will generally be expected to pay a months rent and a months deposit in advance