
Mayo Association  League Football

Important Notices

  1. Clubs are reminded that the official notification of fixtures is the Milebush answer phone at 094 – 21079.

  2. Both home and away clubs must ring in the results along with the goal scorers to the Mayo League answer phone at 094 – 21079 not later than 5.00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. In the case of games played midweek or Saturday evenings not later than half an hour after the game. Late or missing results will incur a fine of £25.

  3. If a fixture is not fulfilled both clubs must ring the Milebush answer phone at  094-21079 with the relevant information.

  4. If you wish to change a fixture or kick off time you must contact Tom McDaniel, fixtures secretary, at 087 – 6813574.

  5. Any club wishing to play challenge matches must inform the fixtures secretary who will appoint a match official. Challenge matches played without permission from the league and appointed official are illegal and will be dealt with severely by the League Management Committee.

  6. Clubs are advised that kick off times may be changed due to the availability of referee’s, this may occur mainly in cup competitions. The Milebush answer phone will carry all updated information.

        It is important that all clubs list goal scorers when ringing in results.

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