Junior Infants 2006

On September 1st 2006 we arrived to St. Aidan's NS in Kiltimagh for our first day at school. An important day for us and our families! Ms MCallion welcomed us all with toys galore to play with! This year we had children not only from Kiltimagh but from Poland too & more recently we have had new additions to our class all the way from Iraq and Lithuania! As you can see we are a very happy Junior Infant class and we were delighted with our lollies as we trotted out the door at the end of our first day at school. We were very tired but it was a great day!
Scroll down to see all our hard work so far this year. Prepare to be impressed!

Our Art

We are great artists at school. Look at all the crayon rubbings that we have done!
We used rubbings of tiles to make the sky for our flying balloons.
We used rubbings of the classroom wall as a background and then we added some more rubbings on top of it!

Healthy Eating Week

We had a great time during healthy eating week. Everyday Ms McCallion brought in a different fruit for us to try. We tasted melons, pineapples, plums, pears and kiwis. They were delicious! We coloured lovely lovely fruit pictures and teacher put them up outside our classroom door. What do you think?
We all entered the healthy eating colouring competition. Megan's picture won! She got a lovely fruit basket from Mr Fogarty. Ailish and Cara got highly commended and they got new colouring pencils. What do you think of Megan's winning picture?