Green School Project
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Green Flag Renewed
by An Taisce in March 2005!

We have a very active Green Committee in our school.
All the senior room children, as well as Ms. Carroll, Ms. Jennings & Joe Moylette
are on it.

This year, our mottos are:

Reduce, re-use, recycle


Turn it off, turn it down.

These are some of the things we do:
Reduce rubbish by only bringing junk food once a month.

ReducReduce the amount of paper we use by photocopying both sides.
We re-use paper for scrap.
We have joined the Creative Resource Centre and re-use material from there for Art.
We recycle all our plastic, cardboard, paper, cans and glass.

We also try to save energy.
We turn down the heat by one degree.
We turn off lights, computers, immersion, heat and water when we
don't need them.

This is our Green School Rap:

We've written a rap about our Green School
Listen carefully and don't be a fool,
We got our Green Flag in June '03,
The New one is coming if you listen to me.

We're seperating our stuff,
It's easy to do,
Reduce, re-use, it's up to you,
Cartons, cans, bottles galore,
It's very easy, it's not a chore!

Turn it off, turn it down,
That's our motto, don't be a clown,
Keep the lights off when it's bright and
turn them on only at night.

We use recycled materials in Art:

As part of our Green School Project, we are improving the outside environment
of our school.
Last year we planted hedges, tulips and daffodils.

Here are some photos of our big day!


Thanks again to all our volunteers!



Paula and Padraic busy with spades.
Thanks to Horkans Garden Centre for all the advice and support!


The feeding of the troups!

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies in the catering department!

The end of a hard day.

We have herbs growing in our garden.

They are:

mint, rosemary, fennel, marjoram, lavender,
chives, parsley and thyme

We also have lots of trees:

Apple trees, Cherry trees, Alders, Willows, Birch, Larch, and Dogwoods.

These are some of the lovely plants
we have in our school garden.





Watch this space for further updates on our green school work!