St. Patrick's B.N.S.
ECDL For Parents Course 2001

This is our very first group to complete the ECDL for Parents Course which was completed in St. Patrick's B.N.S. on November 29th. The course covered all seven modules (Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Internet and Email, File Management and Theory) over a 20 week period in two phases - one phase before Easter (4 modules) and one phase from September to Christmas (3 modules). The tutors on the course were John Culhane and Adrian Keena, both teachers in the school and both qualified ECDL tutors.

The group readily admit that the course was demanding - 2 hours per night for 20 weeks is a lot of time to commit with an exam on average every third week - but all have enjoyed themselves and are glad they went ahead. The course begins again in late January, again it is confined to parents of our school, but on this occasion it is being done in one session - all seven modules over a twenty week period. Hopefully, we will be able to avoid foot and mouth and suchlike which caused disruption to the course last year.

If you are the parent of a boy in St. Patrick's and have a working knowledge of computers - i.e. you have a certain knowledge of the basics - and are looking to develop your computer skills, this could be the opportunity you have been waiting for. For further details contact Adrian or John.

Class of 2001
Back (L to R) - Carmel Mylett, Marcella Chambers, Rita Joyce, Pat Morley, Mary McDonnell, Noel Ennis, Adrian Keena (Tutor) Front Row - Carmel Kernan, Therese O'Brien, Pauline Ennis, Rose-Ann Walsh, Paddy O'Brien and John Culhane (Tutor)
Missing from photo - Margaret Lisibach, Maeve Gleeson-Reilly.
Three Modules Completed (Phase 1): Mary McHugh, Catherine Gannon, Joan Staunton.

Mary,Carmel, Rita, and Rose-Ann - guess which photo was taken before Access exam and which one was taken after?
Marcella hard at work - ya right!
(as Jean Coffey would say!)
Paddy supervising the exam!!
Time to Relax
Time for a glass of wine to celebrate the end of the final exam - Access - now this is more like it - it's a lot of work for a glass of vino - wouldn't you agree Noel - cheers!