Viking Story 1

My life story starts in Norway when I became a thrall at the age of five. My mother sold me for ten shillings to a very wealthy family. I did all the work for them in the house , from cleaning dishes to knitting clothes together. After all the work I did for them they still did not let me go Now the princess was dying in a matter of days. I had five days to live or so I thought. I tried to make the best of those days and I took some of their finest food and wine When the time arrived I had to go inside with the dead princess. I begged them to let me go but they just wouldn't listen.When they started to put the soil over the ship-coffin I started to worry even more .I never thought it would be this bad. When I was all buried and everyone was gone my mother came to rescue me.She gave me her hand to help me up. Then we took the princesses possessions, buried her again and became very wealthy people.

Viking Story 2

In Viking times I was a thrall that means slave and my master tells me to work day and night. By day I work and I collect loads of thatch for the roofs of the houses. I have to work hard because I'm scared that they will sale me any time the master wants. After work my back does hurt and my hands are swollen. When I saw another pair of warriors and I told the master that they are going to burn the houses. When they burn the houses down we will have to run to the round tower. Then we will be safe they will never caught us in the round tower. They will never climb up the round tower and if they do. I will push them down the round tower and they will try to throw. Then they went away because they could not get into the round tower window we were safe and we build our homes again.

Viking Story 3

Hi I am a slave. I am the least important in the chain. At the start of it is the king then the war
Leader and Nobel third it was the farmer, trader,
Blacksmith and shipbuilder and at the end is
The thralls and house servants. When I went
outside one day the Vikings had come to raid are
Town and I and a few others where captured and
Brought to where the Vikings lived and sold for a chicken. And if I did something wrong I would be
Whipped. And every day for thirty years I would
Be passed down like a family earldom. And there names were Ronny, Fred, Daniel and Sean and the most recent one is not a boy but a girl I will tell three lines of each master. My 1st master is Ronny. Ronny was the worst out of all of them.
He made me wash his 14 foot table every day.
My 2nd master was Daniel. He made me scrub the floor with a leaf and then wash my teeth with a twig. My 3rd master was Fred . He made me sleep outside . My 4th master is Sean. He gave me eat rotten food every day .And my 5th master was a girl called Angela. She knew that I was old and llet me go free.

Viking Story 4

I am a thrall from Norway. This is how my thrall life started.

Many years ago I was taken from my parents by my master Oj.
He badly treated me. He owned me for all my life.
He made me clean his room but it is clean I said. Not clean enough he shouted.

I am Oj, king of all the vikings You blink: Yes master Clean my room No Do you want your head cut off No Well then clean my room
Thrall life was the worst life ever A war leader came into the
room and said men are attacking Moments later a stone came flying through the window. I heard a man shouting fetch all the slaves and get them into the boats. Suddenly a man came into the room. My master screamed at me to run away Ha? Run away No ; I'll have your head and before I knew what was happening he lay dead on the floor I shouted out with joy. OJ, the king of the Vikings is dead.
Now I am a free man.

Viking Story 5

Once apon a time, I was a son of a very poor man I couldn't be fed, the one day a man
Came to are house;and said you must pay your bills are we will take your family the man said to my father then my father said, we don't have enough money,then we have to take your son''where we have to work him as a slave the man said. We will sell him to a wealthy man. I was very sad when I got to my masters house in Norway, he was very mean and he told me If I don't work hard he will starve me to death and he gave me hardly any food anyway, then one night when I was building a she for my master, I heard something in the house but it was my master right behind me with a sword he said work harder are else you will be dead. Then when I was finished the shed I heard something again in the house. It wasn't my master because he is fast asleep. I went inside and I saw someone going up the stairs and he went into my masters room I ran up the stairs but I was to late my master had died and he jumped out the window. The next day I was sold again he took me to his house but this man lived in Ireland when got there I saw my master he ran inside I saw a Viking running after me my master said come inside I ran inside we ran upstairs the Viking broke through the door my master said to me jump out the window he said will die now so you have your freedom the I jumped out the window 3 years later I went back to my family and had a great life

Viking Story 6

It was a mild dark night and I was about to go to bed. Suddenly I heard the bell from the tower. I got a fright. So I got my family. They went into but I didn't and I got caught by the Vikings.
They brought me to their ship with my other friends. After that they brought me to where they live. It was a nice place. Next morning they made me make a house. It was a hard work and a long days work. Then I went to bed. Next morning I had to get wood for the shipmaker.
The next year I was sold to a prince. He made me drive a boat to his house. I had to do lots of work for him . I wish I was still with family it would be more fun. Next morning had to cut crops for him. I was really tired. I went to bed Next morning I was told I had the day off.
Micheál H.

The Postcard Riddle 1

I think this is good because it was good when Ross caught Selina Webb trying to steal the postcard
from Rosses house and when Ross, Kenny and Jamie fining out about who Miss Thalbet really
was, and how Max had pushed Merlin Clarke off the hill and how after that Merlin Clarke
married Max and how everybody thought it was Selina Webb who had pushed Merlin Clarke off
the hill. It was a very exciting story and I couldn't wait to hear what happened next, it had a good
ending because nobody knew who had pushed Merlin Clarke off the hill. I think it was a very
good story but the author could have made the beginning a bit better because the beginning
was very boring. If I gave it a rating I would give it 7 out of 10.
Adrian R.

The Postcard Riddle 2

Our teacher read us a book. It was called the Postcard Riddle. It was written by John Escott. The main characters are Jaime, Kenny and Ross. Other characters are Unity McPhee, Merlin Clark, Selena (aka Mrs.Talbit ) and Liz Dalton. It was middling at the start but as the story went on it got very exciting. The best part was when Selena tried to steal the postcard she wanted. Here is a bit of the story. Jaime, Kenny and Ross become suspicious of Mrs Talbit, so they decide to search her room for clues. After that they found out that Mrs Talbit is not Mrs Talbit she is actually Selena.
Jaime, Kenny and Ross found out that Merlin Clark was a famous actor who had an accident in 1976 which ended her career. Jaime, Kenny and Ross suspect Selena, who on the postcard they found out was also an actor, pushed Merlin Clarkover the cliff. Liz Dalton said that Merlin Clark and Selena were enemies. I think that's enough to tell you. If you want to find out what happens read The Postcard Riddle. My rating of the book was 5 out of 10.

The Postcard Riddle 3

I think "the postcard riddle" was a very good book .I would give it 7/10 because it was a bit boring at the start .The most exciting part was when they were just about to find out who tried to kill Myrna Clark by pushing her down a cliff. I think everyone thought it was Selina Webb but it was really Max her late husband who told her just before he died .I thought it was kind of confusing with all the names .When the two famous actors were on top of the ruins of the old castle I thought one of them were dead for sure .In the end the postcard didn't have that much to with story because it led them to the wrong person.

I think "the postcard riddle" was a very good book .I would give it 7/10 because it was a bit boring at the start .The most exciting part was when they were just about to find out who tried to kill Myrna Clark by pushing her down a cliff. I think everyone thought it was Selina Webb but it was really Max her late husband who told her just before he died .I thought it was kind of confusing with all the names .When the two famous actors were on top of the ruins of the old castle I thought one of them were dead for sure .In the end the postcard didn't have that much to with story because it led them to the wrong person.

The Postcard Riddle 4

At the very start of the story I found it very boring but as it went on it got less boring and less boring. The names of the three children were Ross Jamie and Kenny. These three children were exelent reporters. They found out who tried to kill Myrna Clark and the killer was her husband Max. Who told his wife five years before he died. Even though everybody thought it was Selina Webb who tried to kill her.

Lee B.


The Fire 1

Woke up in the middle of the night, there was a strange smell and a funny crackling sound in the house got up and went downstairs thought someone left the heat on, so I went into the kitchen and saw it all was on fire and was spreading towards me I ran, and remembered we didn't have a smoke alarm ran upstairs got everyone out of their beds but they wouldn't get out of their beds.,the fire was blazing across the whole house. So I ran toward the telephone, but then it caught fire. I ran upstairs and into my room I saw a mobile on my desk and I dialed up 999 but their services were not available. So I rang them up again and then they said they would be over right I filled up a bucket of water and kept pouring it over the fire. Then I heard the fire brigade so I ran upstairs and got the bucket and poured it over there heads and then they woke up we heard the fire brigade banging against the door so we shouted break the window we were about to go down the stairs but it caught fire and breakdown so they got in and saved us and we got out and got the repairs.

The Fire 2

Woke up in the middle of the night, there was a strange smell and a funny crackling sound in the house got up and went downstairs thought someone left the heat on, so I went into the kitchen and saw it all was on fire and was spreading towards me I ran, and remembered we didn't have a smoke alarm ran upstairs got everyone out of their beds but they wouldn't get out of their beds.,the fire was blazing across the whole house. So I ran toward the telephone, but then it caught fire. I ran upstairs and into my room I saw a mobile on my desk and I dialed up 999 but their services were not available. So I rang them up again and then they said they would be over right I filled up a bucket of water and kept pouring it over the fire. Then I heard the fire brigade so I ran upstairs and got the bucket and poured it over there heads and then they woke up we heard the fire brigade banging against the door so we shouted break the window we were about to go down the stairs but it caught fire and breakdown so they got in and saved us and we got out and got the repairs. MW.

The Fire 2

My friend invited me to a sleepover. I said ok. So I went over. His family was nice; they offered me Coke and cookies. I took the cookies and the Coke. We went outside. I bet him 10-7 in football. We watched television for a while. It was time for bed. I slept on the floor. At about 3.35 am I woke up. I smelt a weird smell,
Everyone was up now. I crawled downstairs following everyone. We made it out. We ran away as soon as everyone was out. Within 5 minutes the house was burned. Everyone to the police station. That morning Mam and Dad came to collect me.
When we got home Mam and Dad were talking about the fire. They suggested that we have 2 firedrills a week. So every week we have 2 firedrills. Luckily we have not had a fire I hope it stays that way !
The End

The Fire 3

My friend invited me to a sleepover. I said ok. So I went over. His family was nice; they offered me Coke and cookies. I took the cookies and the Coke. We went outside. I bet him 10-7 in football. We watched television for a while. It was time for bed. I slept on the floor. At about 3.35 am I woke up. I smelt a weird smell,
Everyone was up now. I crawled downstairs following everyone. We made it out. We ran away as soon as everyone was out. Within 5 minutes the house was burned. Everyone to the police station. That morning Mam and Dad came to collect me.
When we got home Mam and Dad were talking about the fire. They suggested that we have 2 firedrills a week. So every week we have 2 firedrills. Luckily we have not had a fire I hope it stays that way !
The Fire 4

Go to bed said my mum. It was Christmas eve and I couldn't go to sleep because I was too excited. Eventually I fell asleep. I woke up a couple of hours later and I felt quite warm. I crept down the stairs because I wanted to get my presents first, but when I got into the sitting room the tree was on fire! Suddenly there was a loud shrill from the fire alarm. Seconds later my family came running down the stairs. Meanwhile the sitting room was up in flames.

My mum called 911 and immediately we were out of the house. A minute later we could hear the faint sound of a fire-truck.When they got to the house the whole house was on fire.It took them a couple of minutes to hose down the house.

When were allowed to go in I leaned up against the burnt chair I fell out of my bed and it was just a dream.


The Fire 5

One day a couple of months ago there was a fire in my house. It all happened while I was watching a television programme. I fell asleep because I had been up late the before at my brother's eighteenth brithday party. I woke up and there was a strange smell and a strange crackling sound. I realised that a coal had fallen out of the fire and the floor was on fire!
The first thing I did was dial 999 on the telephone as my mother and father were outside cleaning up the garden. Then I ran outside into the garden and told my mother and father. There was nobody else at home at that time.
After about five minutes of waiting the County Fire Brigade had arrived. There was flames and smoke coming out of everywhere. The County Fire Brigade had the fire under control in a short time. Thankfully nobody was injured.

By Gerard D.

The Fire 6

I was at my Granny and Granddads on holidays for a
Week. My two brothers were with me mammy and
Daddy was in Majorca. I was in the kitchen watching
TV one day with my Auntie. Granddad was working in the shop and granny was gone to pick up the boys from. Granddad came running into the kitchen shouting fire. He said get out quick there is a fire in the shop. My auntie took my hand and we ran outside. Granddad closed the doors and ran after us. He called the fire brigade There was smoke everywhere. The fire brigade came very quickly. It was a very big fire. There was 10 fire brigades there . The fire brigade were worried because there was petrol tanks outside the shop and gas inside. They worked very hard to put the fire. It took a long time
Granny got a fright when she came home and saw the flames.