From Castlebar - County Mayo -

Sitting in the Sun on a Wall
By Darwin
21, Aug 2009 - 08:18

Dragon and Damsel Flies are perhaps the largest of Irish insects with a wide wingspan and two sets of wings.  Dragonflies hunt other insects and can be seen flying up and down along a definite path in search of their prey. Damselflies are more delicate with shimmery blues, greens and red colours. This one is probably the Large Red Damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula.

Dragonflies and damselflies have a really long evolutionary history going back hundreds of millions of years so it is a pity to see them under threat in modern times.
They are an indicator of good environmental quality but as we drain bogs and marshes their habitat is diminishing. They are also regarded as being sensitive to water pollution and the greening of lakes and bogs due to too much phosphates and nitrates being released from farms, septic tanks, towns and villages.

This one was seen on a wall near Newport and he(?) agreed to have his photo taken for for a small fee.





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