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Re Statement of Policy, M's invitation for submissions

From: PJ
Time: 6:50:30 PM
Date: 11/22/99


re attached Mikes Posting from last week "Hmm now theres a tough one but here a start. Although im strongy anti-censorship I think anything that is strongly racist, Sexist, ageist, sectarian, homophobic etc should be out as should anything which is groosly abusive of other people generally. Libel and slander are obviously out too (because it could get the owners of this site in trouble and if it comes down to it the person posting it could be identified (if someone wanted to know badly enough to go to the trouble) After that Is dependant on what the owners of the site and what purpose they see for the BB. If it is (as I imagine) to promote business/tourisim etc then anything that could project a negative image of the town shouldnt be allowed but how far should we go with this is the question. In general I dislke censorship but as the people behind the site have editorial perogitive (same as newspapers dont have to publish the rantings of every nutcase who writes into their letters page) and Its entirely up to them what does/doesnt appear here whatever the policy is though we should know about it."

I think Rose's postings of the last couple of days helped bring this issue to the fore again and proves that we probably do need some kind of guidelines for the unitiated.

I do agree with what Mike's said above AND I am all on for self control and consideration (and basic respect) above the need for censorship.

However I would suggest that we actually formulate some basic guidelines on what is the purpose of this BB and what's it about and what is acceptable and whats not welcomed (Although us regulars don't necessarily want to be the ones to set that agenda either - The board has evolved into what it is partly from our contributions but there's nothing to stop it going another way - The ultimate democracy if you like).

I'd say by it's nature we also need an evolving submission policy too.

Lets start by saying something like "This BB is meant as an integral part of the Castlebar.ie website and in that context, postings are invited from anyone with anything to say on any aspect of the website or indeed about the town of Castlebar or related topics. Contributors needn't be from, living in or associated with Castlebar in any way, but the majority of posters tend to have some attachment either geographical or emotional to the town and the board regularly reflects this theme. Posters should exercise their own judgement and control to the best of their own ability when posting on this buletin board but we would specifically request that you refrain from postings of a racist, Sexist, ageist, sectarian, homophobic etc nature and, in the interests of liability refrain from making libellious allegation against any persons by name, Posters should be aware that they can be held fully liable for any postings made in the BB and that Castlebar.ie accepts no responsibility of liability for or liabellous nature of the postings of individuals. The moderators retain the right to delete any postings which they deem to have breached the above guidelines or those which have ventured too far into the realms of sheer bad taste"

As I say this might be the basis for an initial policy draft M but one which I can wholly see evolving and expanding according to requirements.

Castlebar Information Age Town Bulletin Board