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Re: /etown/

From: DEA
Time: 6:06:35 PM
Date: 11/26/99


"I think it's a big jump to state that half the population are wired on E and hash based on the evidence of a few kids popping a few pills and dancing a little fast. "

See I think that this is the mistake right here in that I am led to believe (as I say, from what I believe to be reliable sources) it is NOW MUCH MORE THAN A FEW KIDS POPPING PILLS.

I had heard almost two years ago that esctacy was more popular than teenage drinking amongst that age group in Castlebar but now it seems it is most common in the older age groups. I can't say for sure, not being on the ground, so to speak, in Castlebar BUT from what I hear (All be it second or third hand) I don't beleive it would be inaccurate to say that up to half the regularly socialising population of Castlebar between 12-35 have experimented with ecstacy and, if so, THAT'S SCARY!

So has anyone on the ground, under the veil of BB anonymity, anything to contribute?

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