
Film, Video, Music, Theatre
Sleeping Beauty and the Nutcracker on Ice
By C. Dean
Jan 3, 2004, 23:52

Excellence on Ice

A rehearsal photo taken by Michael Donnelly
The ice ballet at the TF – last Day is Sunday 4th should not be missed by adult or child. Tchaikowsky’s Nutcracker and the Sleeping Beauty using the Tchaikowsky and Prokofiev ballet music may sound a bit hi-falutin. But if you saw the reaction of a two and a half year old boy (the one you were afraid would get bored stiff after a few minutes and want to head for home) - he was still gasping and oohing and aahing at the skaters right to the very end - this show has sumpin' for everyone! Adults will appreciate the skill of the dancers. Not only do they not fall over like you or I would on ice - they dance, spin and twirl with incredible athleticism. The kids enjoy the story, colour and the spectacle. Sleeping Beauty has a plot known to most 4 year olds (although some elders may have forgotten the nuances if they haven’t been reading bedtime stories lately) but the plot doesn’t matter too much as the whole thing is just such a joy to behold.  
Last day 4th January - Some tickets still available at the door.

Christening party, sleepy princess etc., prince arrives, kiss, and everyone awake for the scintillating finale. They had a most excellently evil bad witch - a real ice maiden - who could sure make your toes curl. Fabulous costumes with fairytale characters from a whole gamut of children’s stories made appearances even if not strictly part of Sleeping Beauty – Pocahontas for example. If the Nutcracker is anything as good you won't be disappointed. As I said too, no fear of any of your own sleeping beauties falling asleep during the performance no matter how young or old they are.

The only slight drawback on Friday was that it was packed out and not every seat was located in the tiered section of the TF Theatre. As a result some of the littler children sitting in the front batch of flat seats needed to be hoisted up a bit to get a good view.

Having said that there are apparently some tickets at the door apparently for Sunday 4th January – last day before the Russian cast head to the Helix for a Dublin run of the show. It’s not often that a show like this comes to Castlebar first before moving on to Dublin so support it you won’t be disappointed – and no I didn’t get a free ticket or a review ticket.

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