
My Journey
By Sheila Osburn
Feb 9, 2002, 12:13

I respect others religious beliefs wholeheartedly! I am a "cradle Catholic" and there was a time in my life when I didn’t know what I thought! I grew up in somewhat of a sheltered life, attended Catholic schools, and didn’t think of any other religion. The Shock! During my freshman year at college, I took a comparative religion class taught by a priest; keep in mind this was in 1976. On first day of class my professor listed many different religions across an entire and very long blackboard. In a matter of minutes my world fell apart — I don’t know where I was living prior to this class. What an eye opener! I was devastated, my world grew in an instant. I was confused and was away from the Church for a very long time.

Many years later my world came apart and I actually talked to a priest. Father's advice to me was to attend Mass seven days a week. I thought okay whatever, I did that for a few months, and for me amazing things happened! My entire life changed, I can’t even articulate the experience. For me I believe in the Catholic Church, I choose this religion, for me the Mass is so beautiful and moving. (When I was a kid it was agony)!

That brings me to what I really wanted to say, I have really enjoyed submitting stories, even though my spelling isn’t the best, I even have spell checker that is pathetic! Again I am so appreciative of Castlebar.News using my stories, this has been a lot of fun! Mentioning my religious beliefs brings me finally to "my journey". For Lent, starting Ash Wednesday, I am not going to use my computer; I am going to attempt to take away distractions like the computer at home out of my life. About five years ago I had so much adversity happen in succession, starting with my beloved job. My long time partner on the Ambulance sexually assaulted me, the company buried it deep, the company was in the process of receiving an exclusive contract with the city, and I think they wanted to stay far away from any negative press. That was a big hit I loved my job, and decided to resign, I couldn’t work for people that lacked integrity. Then my dear Dad suddenly passed away, then we had to put our beloved collie down due to old age and sickness, then I had an accident falling down a flight of stairs, through the Grace of God I am alive and finally our youngest was diagnosed with severe learning disabilities. (This reads like a cheap novel)!

What I realized is I gave up living in a way; I have lost my sparkle, I don’t thrive anymore. Granted what I mentioned above in the grand scheme of things, is not all that bad and I have many blessings, but somewhere in that time I lost me. During Lent I hope to be reflective, pray, and meditate, I hope to laugh lots, I hope through sacrifice of some worldly things, distractions, I will read, or listen to music, or say the Rosary. I am even going to try my feet again at Irish step dancing, good workout. This Lenten season will be very interesting for me, I hope I find me, I hope I find my sparkle, I hope I heal. For all that do celebrate Easter I wish you a very beautiful Easter! I look forward to writing again in April and catching up on the ever so fun Bulletin Board.

Peace Always – Sheila Osburn

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