
A short visit to Cape Verde
By Wandering Castlebarbarian
Sep 21, 2005, 21:01

Ciaran and Amy who used to live in Castlebar. Now they live in Santa Maria, Sal, Cape Verde - a former colony of Portugal.

Two former Castlebar residents: Ciaran and Amy who run a bar in Santa Maria, Sal, Cape Verde, West Africa

These beautiful islands have wonderful beaches, blue skies, and bluer seas:

8km long beach

The seas around the islands are full of fish.

More fish

These are landed on the local pier:

Crumbling infrastructure

Tanzin and his Hombres sort out the catch:

Lots of tuna and wahoo in the seas off Cape Verde

While the fish are sorted, the boats rest in tranquil waters:

Boats at rest

If you are tired of looking at the fish, you can count the shades of blue:

How many blues in the sea and the sky?

Further along the 8km beach are some charming holiday chalets:

Lots of holiday chalets to stay in

Back in town, rush hour is grinding the commuters down:

Things are quiet

My hotel sits on the sea:

A hotel on the sea



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