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Posted by Murrisk on June 20, 2002 at 21:30:37:
The Connaught Journal Galway, Ireland Thursday, Feb. 6, 1840 FOR SALE VALUABLE DISTILLERY AND STORE IN THE TOWN OF GALWAY, AND BREWERY IN CASTLEBAR To be Sold, within the Copperroom of the Commercial Buildings, in the City of Dublin, on Friday, the 7th February, 1840, at three o'clock, P.M. FIRST-That large and valuable Distillery Establishment at Nun's Island, in the Town of Galway, at presently occupied and worked by Messrs. James and Patrick JOYCE. Within the walls that surround the Distillery there is a mill to which there is attached a Store capable of containing several Thousand Barrels of Grain and Two Kilns, Queen's Warehouse, Spirit and Barm Store, with various other Offices and conveniences. The Distillery contains a Wash Still of 6,000 Gallons; a Low Wine Still of 3000 Gallons; Three Brewing Coppers, ** to contain about 200 Barrels each, Seven Fermenting Backs of 14,000 Gallons each; One Mash Kieve with Machinery capable of Mashing 200 Barrels of Grain, and a Mid capable of Grinding over that quantity daily. There are suitable Spirit and Low Wine Receivers, Store Casks; about 1000 feet of Cooling Pipe, placed in a rapid stream, and other Utensils complete-also, Utensils for making Buls and Barm. The yard is of ample dimensions capable of confining a sufficient quantity of Fuel. The whole machinery of the Distillery is propelled by Water, of which their is a sufficient supply during the distilling season of the year. This very valuable and well-circumstanced property, which is in perfect working order and repair, is held on lease for 300 (or 309) years, from ***** 1814, at a rent of £25 late Irish currency, or £24 1s 6d British. SECONDLY-That large and commodius Store, Kiln & Yard, in Market-street, Galway, lately in the possession of Messrs. CONNELL & Darby DUGGAN. The inside Yards is 110 feet by 46. The Building Plot, attached has 67 feet in front-the mason-work of the first story of which is erected. The Store is 110 feet by 26, consisting of a Ground Floor and Four Lofts, capable of containing 6000 barrels of grain. This property is held for a term of two lives & 99 years; to commence from the decease of said lives at the rent of £30 Irish or £27 13s 11d British. THIRDLY-That property in Market-street, Castlebar, partly occupied formerly as a Brewery, consisiting of a large Malt-house, Store, Brew-house, and Dwelling-house with the Yard, Offices and Appurtenances-bound on the North by the River; on the South by market-street; on the East by James FARY's House and Garden, and on the West by a house in the possession of Ellen M'AVEY, Widow. Held on Lease for Lives renewable for ever, at the rent of £65 per annum. Mr. Francis FITZGERALD, Brewer in Galway, will show the Properties in Galway to intended purchasers, and Mr. Patrick FITZGERALD, Brewer, in Castlebar, will point out the premises there. Further particulars may be learned by application to Messrs. James and John BLAKENEY, Solicitors, 2* Gloucester-street, Dublin and Galway; and of Mr John ROURKE, Solicitor, 23 Upper Temple-street, Messrs. BLAKENEY have in Dublin, plans of the different properties and concerns, which can be seen on application to them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL DEBT TO O'CONNELL was necessarily Postponed as a proper and convenient moment for effecting that imperative word. The interval is sufficient for settling the requisite preparatory organization on foot to secure to the effort in every instance the greatest possible amount of success, according to the means of the several Parishes and the vast utility of taking advantage of it for this purpose is deferentially impressed upon the respected and patriotic Clergy, and active lay supporters of the measure, in the different Parishes still outstanding. P.V. FITZPATRICK, Sec. Office, 44 Dame-street, Dublin. Jan 10, 1840 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ANNUAL CHARITY SERMON IN AID OF THE ORPHAN'S BREAKFAST INSTITUTE LOMBARD-STREET WILL BE PREACHED IN THE CHAPEL OF ST. NICHOLAS, GALWAY, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK ON SUNDAY THE 16TH INST., BY THE REV. DOCTOR WINTER, O.P. After which a Collection will be made for the support of One Hundred and Eighty poor little Boys Who Receive A DAILY BREAKFAST IN THAT HIGHLY INTERESTING ASYLUM OF CHARITY The important benefits, which the above Institution has, for the last ten years, conferred on the poor of Galway, are so well known and acknowledged by all classes and creeds, that the slightest apprehensions are not entertained for its being now forsaken by that generous public to which, under provinence, it owes its existence. For it is presumed, that in a land, proverbial for its charity and hospitality, (even unto strangers,) the cries of One Hundred and Eighty poor native little ones are, too piercing not to be heard--too pressing not t obe responded to; particularly by teh benevolent citizens of Galway, whose habitual acts of charity render the exercise of alms-giving as pleasing and almost as unnecessary as the natural function of respiration. Were learning and talents of a superior order in a preacher, necessary to rouse the latest sympathies of the human heart on behalf of the suffering innocence, the Rev. Gentleman, who will have the kindness to present himself on this occasion, is acknowledged to possess those qualifications in an eminent degree-but independently of this consdieration, the cause that he is pleased to advocate is one, that must be ever triumphant in principle and productive in its claims of patronage and support. The unprecedented number of poor children on the Establishment at present-the crowds of little applicants for relief-the low state of the funds-the high prices of provisions-the dead letter of the poor law-the threatening aspect of the season-all rush on the mind in fearful combination and loudly proclaim that exertion, extraordinary exertion and universal co-operation on the part of the public are particularly called for to avert the horrors of utter destitution. It is confidently hoped that the country gentlemen, who cannot attend the Sermon, will give a practical proof of their commisseration for the porr little Orphans' and not throw the whole burden of their support on the Shopkeepers and Traders of the Town, whose doors and hearts are open to their suffering fellow creatures. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Right Rev. Doctor BROWNE, the Rev. Preacher, the Clergy of the Town and the Messrs. John GUNNING, P. CLAYTON, John KIRWAN, Timothy MURRAY, John COSTELLO, Edward GOOD, William BRADY, and by the Treasurer P.J. O'CONNOR, and his brethren of the Monastery, Lombard-street. Galway, February 5, 1840. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ URSULINE CONVENT St. Joseph's Near Galway. The Religious of this Community, anxious to afford every advantage to the Young Ladies confided to their care have removed their Establishment to the beautiful Demesne of Dangan, now St. Joseph's near Galway, where they hope to pursue, on a more extended scale, the great end of the Urusuline Institute, the Instruction of Youth. The primary object of the Religious is to instruct their Pupils in the great and sublime truths of Religion, to impress them with its salutary maxims, and to point out the different relative duties which it imposes, while, at the same time, they communicate to them all the advantages derivable from the most approved and modern system of Education, in order to render them virtuous, accomplished, and amiable members of society. Every attention is paid to the Morals, Health, and Manners of the Children, for which purpose they are always accompanied by the Religious, who, with tender care and maternal solicitude, watch over their young charges and seek by every means to promote their comfort, happiness and improvement. Those who require sea Bathing, Warm Baths, or Car exercise, can have these advantages, which are subject to extra charges. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION This embraces without any extra charge the English, French and Italian Languages, Writing and Arithmetic, History, Geography, Astronomy and the use of the Globe, with the various branches of Ornamental Knowledge, Botany, Konchology, Mineralogy, Heraldry, &c. Every variety of Plain Mozzotinto Drawing, Painting on Velvet and Wood Japanning, Inlaying, &c, &c. Music, Drawing and Dancing are taught by the first Master and are subject to extra charges. To accelerate the advancement of the Young Ladies in their respective Classes, every means is in use calculated to act upon the youthful mind, in order to excite and maintain a laudable emulation, such as daily marks for Conduct, Manners and Studies, public accounts of Conduct, distinction of places, Half-yearly detailed reports of Conduct, Manners and Application forwarded to parents, particular and general Examinations and Concerts. These, together with Premiums and other honourable distinctions, which accompany the Examinations, serve to encourage and reward virtue, talent and exertion. TERMS OF ADMISSION Pension and Washing...£28,0,0 Stationery...1,0,0 Pension to be paid half-yearly in advance. No entrance. Parents are requested to give Three Months' notice previous to the removal of their Children-No VACATION The young ladies are not allowed to sleep out of the Convent; they are seldom permitted to dine abroad, never on Sundays or Holidays, unless with Parents who came from the Country. On these days no visitors are admitted unless from the Country. Each Young Lady who takes Tea is to provide it, or pay Four Pounds Yearly. UNIFORM Deep Blue Merino Frock, Black Silk Apron, and White Muslin Bonnet. For Dress, a Black Silk Frock- A Warm Cloak for Winter. Each Young Lady is to bring Two Pairs of Sheets, two Bolster Cases, Six Towels, a small Counterpane, a Silver Fork, Tea and Desert Spoons, all of which will be returned; six Chemises, Four Night Dresses, Four Night Caps, Four Pairs of White Stockings, Six Pairs of Grey, Eight Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs, Two Black Merino Aprons, Two Pairs of strong Shoes, One Pair of slight for house, One Pair of Dancing Shoes, Two Coloured Dressing Gowns, a small Work Box furnished, a japanned Dressing Box furnished. With regard to Books it is thought more admissible to procure them according to each Young Lady's advancement in her Studies. Letters (post-paid) relative to the Young Ladies, may be addressed to Mrs. M.J.U. QUERK, or to the Right Rev. Dr. BROWNE, Bishop of Galway, Superior and Patron of this Establishment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INQUEST- On Monday last an Inquest was held by Thomas WALSH, Esq. Coroner at Gort, on the body of a woman named Bridget HIGGINS. It appeared in evidence that she and her husband parted about 15 years ago since which period she has supported herself by hawking goods through the country for sale, but the danger of starvation of late took possession of her mind, and fearing that she could not procure the common necessaries of life, in a fit of despair it is supposed, she hanged herself. The jury returned a verdict of "Temporary Insanity." ACCIDENT TO CAPTAIN WILLIAMS Sunday afternoon, as Captain WILLIAMS, of the 17th Lancers, was driving in a tilbury through Marcourt-street, in the direction from Portobello barrack to the city, the horse, a very spirited one, took fright and ran away down Stephen's-green, West, with the most headlong velocity. In attempting to check the animal's careen, the rein snapped asunder. In this dangerous emergency the gallant officer attempted to rescue himself from teh imminent peril that threatened by getting over the back of the vehicle. We regret to state that in so doing he was pitched violently on the street, and had his collar bone fractured. The sufferer was conveyed to his headquarters at Portobello barracks, where he at present remains. Captain WILLIAM's troop, which he was to have accompanied, marched hence yesterday morning for Belfast. BALLINASLOE Like all other parts of the country, the poor in this neighborhood are suffering much from the want of fuel; turf has been raised to enormous prices, and any that comes to market is quite wet. Were it not that the Earl of Clancarty has given timber and branches to the poor at very low prices, the lower orders about her would be in a deplorable state for fuel. The Dowager Lady Clancarty, not merely at this season but during the whole year, gives potatoes and meal to a great number of families which at the present season renders invaluable service to many families. Fever is much on the decline here. The foundation of the Poor House is built, and should the weather continue fine, the building will be proceeded with very quickly. The foundation will be six feet above the level of the river, which is immediately behind it. At present there are 220 lunatics in the Asylum here. The Asylum is undergoing repairs, in consequence of the injuries sustained by the storm of January last. The expense of the repairs is 999 l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Medical Profession. There is at present a vacancy in a respectable Medical Establishment in a flourishing Country Town; for a respectable well ad***ted Lad, as an Apprentice; he will have an opportunity of attending an Hospital and Dispensary and will be treated in evey respect as a member of the family. A Fee will be required. Application will be made to Mr. R.S. SEYMOUR, Ba*naglier. Galway, February 1840 Spring Assizes-1840: The Judges have arranged as follows the respective circuits which they are to go at the ensuing assizes:- HOME-Chief Justice; Chief Justice DOHERTY. NORTH EAST-Chief Baron; Judge BURTON. NORTH WEST-Judge JOHNSON; Baron PENNEFATHER. LEINSTER-Judge TORRENS; Judge PERRIN. CONNAUGHT-Baron FOSTER; Judge CRAMPTON. MUNSTER-Baron RICHARDS; Judge BALL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The living of Athenry, in the gift of the Crown, worth £800 per annum, has been give to the Rev. Ma** PERRIN. The herring fishery has not as yet been successful. The barque Fergus, of Hull, Captain S. DREE, left Liverpool on the 5th January, got 50 and 60 west when the vessel sprung a leak, and all heads with the passengers employed at the pumps for six days, when she arrived in Galway roadstead; next day she proceeded to New Harbour to be examined. In consequence of the exertions made by captain and officers of this vessel, the underwriter is saved from a heavy loss; such conduct ought to be commended. The barque is now repairing under the inspection of Lloyd's agent here, Henry TOWNSEND, Esq., and will leave this port in a few days. Queen's Counsel-It is stated that the Messrs. James O'BRIEN, and J.J. MURPHY, of the Munster circuit, FITZGIBBON and MONAHAN of Connaught, Mr. DARCY, of the Home Circuit, Mr. MURPHY, Assistant-Barrister, county Cavan, and Mr. BERWICK, Assistant-Barrister, county Waterford, will in a fw days be called to the inner bar, and appointed Queen's Counsel. The Marquis o' Clanricard's seal, the one stolen by Antonio PERROCCHIA, was delivered over by the Commissioners of Police on Monday last, to one of his Lordship's domestics, and by him forwarded, on Tuesday, to St. Petersburgh. There will be only one Quarter Sessions at Gort this year, viz., 16th October. The Shannon Improvement Commissioners are about to conduct for two dredging vessels and lighters, to assist their operations on the river. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Spring Ship for America The Fine New Fast Sailing Copper-fastened Brig MIDAS 500 Tons Burthen, will sail from this Port, Wind and Weather permitting, on the 5th Day of March Next, with Passengers for ST. JOHN's N.B. The Midas being seven feet hight between Decks, can afford most worthy and comfortable accommodation for Passengers. ******* going by this vessel will have a decided advantage to sailing so early, as they will be certain of immediate employment on arrival, by which period the Spring business will be in full operation. Are there any vessels, constantly plying between New York and St. John's persons desirous of going to the United States, can get to New York at any time at a very trifling expense. An easy application is necessary. Apply to C. SLOPER, Merchant's Road Galway, Feb. 6, 1840 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE LET On Very Moderate Terms >From the 25th of March Next or 1st of May The House, Offices, Garden and Demense of BUSHY PARK Consisting of either Ten or Fourteen Acres of Ground. The Garden is large, and well Cropped with Fruit Trees, &c, &c. Proposals to be received by Robert MARTIN, Esq., Bushy Park or James FLYNN, Esq., Galway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE LET >From the 1st Day of May Next. 200 Acres of the Lawns Of KILSKEAGH, Now held by Mr. Patrick CULLINANE. The Lands are in excellent heart and are mostly either Meadow or Fattening Land. Also, To Be Let, 29 Acres of good Winterage. Proposals to be received by Robert BROWNE, Esq., Portarlinton and Mr. James BARRETT, Athenry. The above Lands are situated between C**sane and Tuam, one mile from the former, and eleven miles from Galway. January 6th, 1840. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY, FEB., THE 23d. Has been fixed as the instance of numerous Friends of station and Influence in the Parishes of the Provinces wherein the Collection for the Liquidation of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The County Tipperary side of the Portumna Bridge is completed. It is a beautiful specimen of architecture.
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