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Posted by Murrisk on June 26, 2002 at 16:39:02:

The Connaught Journal
Galway, Ireland
Thursday, Feb 13, 1840

During a violent thunderstorm on Sunday, the chapel of Athea, county
Limerick, was struck by the electric fluid. The damage done to that sacred
edifice was comparatively trifling; but we regret to hear it reported that
three persons were killed by the effects of this awful situation.

New Garden and Farm Seeds
Just Arrived
Messrs. O'KELLY and Co.
Beg to Inform those persons wanting the above, that they have this day
received a fresh supply, from houses of such known character, that they feel
quite confident in recommending them. The Onion Cabbage Seeds are much
better and cheaper this year than they have been for some years back.
Messrs. O'K and Co. have also a large Stock of Garden Tools of every
description which, with their usual supply of Drugs, Oil and Colours, Dye
Stuff, Spices. Pickles and a great assortment of every article in the fancy
line they are determined to sell at such low profits as to ensure a
continuance of that kind support they have been favoured with these Six
years past.
Messrs. O'K have been appointed sole Agent for the Sale of the Loong Tsing
Tea Mixture which has given such general satisfaction, sold in Lead
Packages, at 6s6d per lb., being a more economical Tea than any sold at 5s.
Some Fine Toned Panoramo Patent Guitar engaged, all the New Music had to
order in course of Post, with Music Strings, paper, &c, in great variety.
Fancy Stocks of every New Pattern, India Rubber and Dorskin Shoes, Doe, Kid
and Hunting Gloves, Mufflers and Neck Cloth, Hair brushes of every kind, a
fresh supply of Fancy Snuffs, Cigars and Pipes, Berlin, Wools, Needles and
Canvas, Razors and Strops of the best makers, Penknives, Scissors, &c., with
Fancy Cutlery, Liqueurs, &c, Soda Water (the latter prepared in the
Laboratory-Middle Street), Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &c.
February 10, 1840

For 21s at
Mainguard-St. Galway

The Subscribers beg to inform the nobility, gentry, and public, of the town
and country, that they have now shipped from on board the Galway Packet from
London, a large supply of Gentlemens' best Beaver Hats of the newest
fashion, which will be sold at the above price for Cash only. A great
variety of low priced Beaver and Silk hats; Servants' Hats and Cocades;
Black and Drab Jerries; Boys and Childrens Hats; Japan Hats and Covered
Threshers; Gold and Silver lace bands and binding.
N.B.-as the above House is exclusively confined to Hats, it affords
advantages in shape, quality and price equal to any retail house in London
or Dublin.
P. SMYTH & Son.
Galway, Feb 12, 1840.

Upholstery & Cabinet
The Subscribers respectfully announce to the Nobility and Gentry of Galway
and the surrounding country, that their Ware Rooms are supplied with an
Extensive and Elegant assortment of every article in general demand in their
line of business, which for Superior Workmanship and Elegance of Design
cannot be surpassed by any H**** in the Kingdom.
They have received direct from the Manufacturers, a very large assortment of
Room Papers which they will Sell at Dublin Prices.
Galway, 31 January 1840
Walter STAUNTON and Co.

On the death of John F FITZSIMMONS, Esq. the late much respected governor,
Mathew MADDEN, Esq.of Lo*berry, in this county, was appointed to that
arduous and important situation, the duties of which we are confident he
will discharge with great credit to himself, and much satisfaction to the
county. Mr. MADDEN is a young gentleman of the most amiable and conciliating
manners, and possessing as he does a very humane and kind disposition, we
feel assured that in the efficient and impartial discharge of his duty, he
will act towards the inmates of the prison with forbearance and sympathy.

At Queensfort, the lady of Walter BLAKE, Esq., of a son and heir.

At Ballygar Lodge, on the 5th instant, the Rev. John KYNE, R.C.C, brother to
Mr. KYNE, Merchant of this town. This pious, zealous, and exemplary
Ecclesiastic closed existence on this side of the grave, by a malignant
Fever, which he caught in the discharge of those consoling rites of
religion, with which the Catholic Church assuages the last agonies of her
departing children, and prepares them for the Joys of a better world.-This
amiable Clergyman [who enjoyed the esteem and respect of all who knew him,
was attended to his place of interment by some of the most respectable
gentry in the neighborhood, both Protestant and Catholic] belonged to a
religious community that had been deprived a few years ago of a small tract
of land, which its pious owners had cultivated and improved after much
assiduous labor. He entered on the active duties of the Mission, with the
Priest of the adjoining parish, still cherishing a hope of reestablishing
his ancient Aslum of piety and usefulness; but it has pleased Providence to
bestow upon him the rewards of his pious life, by removing him from all
anxiety and earthly care, to the kingdom for which he had been created.

We regret to announce the rather sudden demise of Mrs. BLAKE, lady of the
Right Hon. Anthony R. BLAKE, Chief Remembrances of the Court of Exchequer,
which took place on the 4th instant. The respect in which this excellent
lady was held was amply testified by the numerous attendance of persons of
all ranks, from the highest to the lowest, which we noticed this morning in
the melancholy procession to the place of her interment at Peter's church.
Amongst them we observed the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls,
Archbishop of Dublin, Bishop of Cashel, Judges PERRIN and BALL, the Very
Rev. Doctors MOYLER and YORE, &c.

Departed this life on Monday last, at Colncannon, in this county, the
residence of Captain KELLY, Harriet, the beloved wife of Anthony DONELAN,
Esq., of this town, to the inexpressible grief of her relatives and
friends.-She was a lady of the most amiable and endearing manners, beloved
by all who came within the sphere of her acquaintance.-Her remains reached
here on yesterday, attended by a crowd of afflicted friends, and were
deposited in the family vault of St. Augustin, amid the tears and sorrows of
those who appreciated her work.
Royal Galway Institute.
Feb 1*, 1840
In consequence of the business of the Institution being transacted on Friday
evenings, Mr. MARTIN begs to notify that his lectures on the Elements of
first principles of Chemistry, will be read on Monday evenings in future.
Hours * o'clock p.m.
Open to the public.
Owen MARTIN, Sec.
>From the 25th of March Next
The HOUSE OF NEWTOW[N]SMITH in the Town of Galway, lately occupied by
Captain FRY. It is in the best state of Repair, and is well situated for
setting Lodgings during the assizes and Quarter Sessions.
Proposals to be received by John BOURKE, Esq., Newtownsmith, Galway, Feb.
10, 1840.
A vacancy having been created in the Corporation of the Galway Harbour
Commissioners by the decease of the late Laurence BROWN BURKE, Esq., a
Meeting of the Commissioners will be held at their office, in Abbeygate
street, at 3 o'clock, P.M. on Monday, the 24th February instant, for the
purpose of electing a Member in his room, and transacting other business as
may be brought before them of which Notice is hereby given.
By Order of the Commissioners,
John D'ARCY, Secretary
(From the 25th of March Next)
The House, Offices and Garden at Mary street, lately held by Doctor O'MALEY.
A Shop at the Mainguard, now in the occupation of Mr. KYNE.
Bath Lodge, with suitable Offices, and two Acres of excellent land, within a
mile and a half of Town.
For particulars apply to Mr. Michael PERRIN, Newtownsmith.
Galway, 12th February, 1840.

It is to be regretted the the herring fishery, which had set in with such a
fair prospect and abundant lake, should have experienced so sudden and
severe a check by the violent and unsettled state of the weather. The late
hurricane has one incalculable damage already, as a frightful loss of life
and property occurred on the Connemara coast-not only have the greater
portion of the nets and tackle been swept away, but the boats with their
crews were lost on the coast near Clifden. The fate of the crews was
peculiarly striking; their names was Patrick CONNELLY, his son Stephen
CONNELLY, and STEPHENS, two Brothers in law named KING. After a desperate
and extraordinary exertion to make the shore they succeeded in reaching the
mouth of the creek, but when within a gun shot of the shore a breaker upset
their boat-with desperate temerity they still clung to her, and with a
determined effort they succeeded in righting her again, but she being full
of water, and consequently unmanageable, was driven against a rock and stove
to pieces-the intrepid but unfortunate fellows sunk to rise no more, in the
sight of their friends and a great concourse of persons, as well as the
coastguards, neither of whom could render the smallest assistance-so violent
was the gale and so trememdous the breach of sea on every part of the shore,
that no boat could venture out. Had the weather continued moderate for some
time longer there could be no doubt of a most properous fishery, as the
shoals of herrings were most abundant on every part of the coast. Such an
extensive loss of nets and tackle, was never experienced on such an
occassion before in Connemara.

The unprecedented severity of the winter, and the great scarcity of fuel
have exposed our population to the greatest privations. The price of coals
have been unusually high this season, and the supply of turf from Connemara,
and Lake Corrib has not been sufficient for the consumption of the Town. The
industrious classes, who find it difficult to purchase provisions, at the
present high rate, have their miseries greatly augmented, from the want of
enjoying the comforts of firing. Want of employment, has reduced many
families to extreme destitution, nor can they procure as much fuel or
faggots as would be sufficient to dress their scanty meals. We deplore their
helpless and miserable condition, and we hope our humane and benevolent
Citizens will make up a fund to purchase a cargo of coals to be sold at
first cost for their accommodation. At a meeting of the Town Commissioners
on Thursday last, we understand Mr. Peter O'MADDEN made a proposition to
have a cargo of coals purchased, and as the best feelings and sympathy of
the gentlemen who compose that useful Body, are always enlisted in the cause
of Charity, we have no doubt of their carrying such a humane object into
immediate effect. The Rev. John D'ARCY, the active and efficient Secretary
to the Board, who have been upon all occasions most zealous in alleviating
the distress of the poor, will we are certain, co-operate on the present
occasion with our fellow citizens in getting up a Subscription for this

On Saturday night last a farmer, named James Martin MURPHY, died suddenly in
his chair in the act of eating his dinner in a public-house convenient to
the Rock Chapel, between Abbeyfeal and Newmarket. The deceased had been
loitering about the public-house after mass time, enjoying himself. He had
been frequently pressed by his friends to avail himself of the influence of
the very Rev. Mr. MATHEW, which he obstinately refused.----Limerick

Distressing Case-Death of Three Men.
On Friday night or early on Saturday morning, three seamen, belonging to the
schooner, Landsdowne, of Limerick, at present lying at the Broomielaw, died
on board that vessel, under circumstances of a very painful nature. It
appears that, in the course of the evening, they had been drinking together,
and at a later hour, went on board the Landsdowne, in the forecastle of
which their sleeping berths were situated. Here they kindled a fire in the
stove, and for the purpose of preventing the police on the quay from
observing the circumstance-it being contrary to the regulations of the
harbor to have fire on board any vessel after 9 o'clock-very foolishly
closed the hatch, so as to prevent a single ray of light being seen outside.
The unfortunate men then went into their sleeping berths, and, as might have
been anticipated, the consequences proved fatal to all the trhee, the action
of carbolic acid gas having done its deadly work long before morning. About
7 o'clock they were found dead, their countenances as calm as if they had
been still under the influences of sleep. One of them was in a half-sitting
posture. The names of the men that suddenly cut off were John BROWN, aged 27
or 28; William BENNET, and John ANSON, both about 20 years of age, and we
understand, all Englishmen. The Landsdowne sailed from Limerick at
Christmas; and what gies a melancholy interest to the fate of BROWN is the
fact that he was married only one day before the vessel left that port; his
two comrades, we understand, were unmarried. It wa the intention of hte mast
of the Landsdowne to have sailed from the Broomielaw on Saturday, but he was
prevented fro mdoing so by this fatal occurrence. In the course of the day a
statement was laid before the Fiscal by Mr. RUSSELL, as Harbor Police
Superintendent; and Drs. CORKINDALE and SPITTAL were directed under a
warrant, to inspect the bodies. This report coroborated the accidental
nature of the causes which led to death; and liberty was granted to have the
bodies interred.---Glasgow Courier.

A suicide, under rather melancholy circumstances, occurredon Monday night in
Killaloe, at Gibbon's Hotel. A young lad named SMITH, a waiter at the bar,
was charged by Mr. GIBBONS, with some money that could not be accounted for,
and of which he declared himself innocent. This had such an effect on the
lad's feelings, that on the above night he drove a pistol ball through his
head in the drawing room. He could scarcely be recognized in the morning,
being covered in gore. An inquest was held on the body.---Limerick Reporter.

Margaret WYNNE, Mary WYNNE, Catherine WYNNE and Bridget M'CURROD (mother and
three daughters,) and Pat. CALLELY, found guilty of robbing John CASEY, in
Boyle, in November last, were sentenced to be transported for 15 years at
Strokestown Sessions. A woman charged with stealing a piece of frize, was
also sentenced and transported for 10 years.

We regret to state that between the hours of eight and nine o'clock on
Friday morning, three human beings (two men and a woman) were drowned at the
Long Pavement, near Captain KANE's residence, in the north liberties of this
city. What makes it even more melancholy is the two men were brothers. Their
name was DANAHER, of Ballyfinan; that of the woman we have not been able to
learn. It happened in the following manner:- the men, accompanied by another
woman whose name was Margaret LYNCH, of Glenomera, were coming on a common
car to this city. On their way they met the deceased female, coming to
market with a bag of potatoes on her back, and out of compassion they
allowed her to get on the car-When they came to the Long Pavement, the road
was flooded over to an alarming height, and the wind being very boisterous
at the time, the horse lost the direct track, and falling into the deep
water, the three of them were drowned. Their bodies were since found nad an
inquest was held upon them at the Exchange. The woman, LYNCH, was saved-so
also was the horse, but not before he was two hours in the
water.----Limerick Standard.

The fair of Castle-Island was held on Monday in consequence of the 1st of
February falling on Saturday. In-calf cows were in good demand; fat pigs
were bought at 30s to 32s per cwt; a great number of horses changed owners.
There was no demand for whiskey !!!---Limerick Standard

James BEATTY, mate of the brig Henry Volant, of this port, a native of
Wigton, was accidentally drowned on Tuesday night at our Quay. It appeared
that about twelve o'clock it commenced blowing a gale of wind from N.W.,
when the vessel was drifting from her moorings, the deceased, who was first
on deck, went with a light to muster the ship's crew; the latter, on
reaching the deck, were surprised to find the mate missing. It is
conjectured that in attempting to heave the vessel off, he missed his hold
and fell overboard. The body was found the following morning at a short
distance from the vessel.----Ballyshannon Herald.

Remarkable Longevity.-On Friday, were interred at Doon, this county, John
NOLAN, aged 114 years, and his wife, aged 105. This centernarian couple died
on the same day, and were buried in the same grave.-They enjoyed uniform
good health for a series of years beyond the ordinary age of mankind and
last Sunday week the old man walked a mile to chapel. They have left
numerous progeny of grand-children and great-grand-children, who attended
their funeral.

Two muskets, which were stolen, on Sunday week, from two of the Highlanders,
at Adare, have been recovered. The Rev. Mr. O'GRADY, P.P. of Adare, having
addressed the congregation, on Sunday last, after mass, and simply read from
the Bible the various denunciations which applied to those guilty of evil
works, it so far operated on the minds and feelings of the hearers, that the
muskets were returned to that rev. clergyman on Sunday evening.---Limerick

Stromness, January 23.-During the last three days it has blown a complete
hurricane from N.W. to S.W. Last night, at eight o'clock, P.M. the barque
Duke of Sussex, from Newcastle to the Cape of Good Hope, in endeavoring to
make the harbour, was driven on shore on the rocks to the westward of the
old church, and has become a complete wreck. I am sorry to add, that the
master, mate, second mate, carpenter, and four of the crew, along with the
master's wife, has met a watery grave.

A beautiful barque, the St. Lawrence, D. CHAMBERS, Master, laden with timber
from Dalhousie, New Brunswick, 400 tons, the property of Mr TURNER of
Carnarvon, was driven into Ballyheigue Bay, Kerry, on Tuesday morning.
Though we regret that this very handsome and entirely new vessel has been
lost, it gives us sincere pleasure that all the crew, consisting of 17
persons, have been providentially saved. The coast guard party stationed at
Ballybeigue, on seeing the vessel in distress, immediately put out their
boat, under the command of Lieut. LAURENCE, R.N., chief officer, which was
nearly swamped together with the crew. This scene caused the greatest alarm
to the spectators on shore; they, however, attempted to proceed to the
vessel in vain. Eventually, after several signals and several shots being
fired by the party, the master and men of the vessel, finding it impossible
to save her, committed themselves to their boat in a very exhausted state,
and reached the shore, to the delight of all the inhabitants of the
neighborhood, who assembled and appeared in great anxiety for the safety of
the poor men, who were immediately carried to the watchhouse, where they
were, with the greatest humanity, supplied with clothes and refreshments,
and are quite recovered. We understand the vessel is insured; she has
drifted on the rocks and will ultimately go to pieces.

Court Martial-A Court Martial was held on Thursday, on board the
Impregnable, Admiral WARREN, president, to inquire late the circumstances of
the loss of the Tribune, Captain WILLIAMS, on the 20th November last, at
Tarragona. It was clearly proved that the loss of the ship Tribune was
occasioned by an unusual hurricane, and the general insecurity of the port
of Saragossa. The court adjudged the commander, officers and company to be
honorably acquitted. The President on returning Captain WILLIAM's sword,
said, "I have great pleasure in returning you your sword, under
circumstances so highly creditable to you."

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